




Question about ARKit Object Tracking Capabilities
Hi everyone, I'm curious about the capabilities of ARKit's object tracking feature. Specifically, I'd like to know: Is there a size limit for the objects that can be tracked? Can ARKit differentiate between two objects with the same shape but different models (e.g., different colors)? Are objects with single colors and generic shapes (like squares or circles) effectively trackable? Any insights or examples from your experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Jun ’24
Trouble with Core ML Object Tracking for Spherical Objects Using WWDC Sample Code and Object Capture
Hi everyone, I'm working with Core ML for object tracking and have successfully trained a couple of models. However, when I try to use the reference object file in the object tracking sample code from the WWDC video, it doesn't work. I'm training the model on a single-color plastic spherical object. Could this be the reason for the issue? I also attempted to use USDZ 3D assets that resemble the real object. Do these need to be trained with the Object Capture app to work properly? Speaking of the Object Capture app, my experience hasn't been great. When I scanned my spherical object, the result was far from a sphere—it looked more like a mushy dough. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Jun ’24