




[Team Name] does not have permission to create "iOS App Store" provisioning profiles
Short story:I am getting this error and would very much appreciate any help. Thanks![Team Name] does not have permission to create "iOS App Store" provisioning profiles.Select a different team and try again.No profiles for [Bundle Name] were foundXcode couldn't find any iOS App Store provisioning profiles matching [Bundle Name].Full Story:We have an Organization account.Two developers on the team are getting the above error. I am the Account Holder and wanted to see if I could replicate it. To do that, I clean-sheeted it by creating a Developer role account in ASC with access to all apps and access to certificates and profiles checked. Then I:Deleted all .mobileprovision files under ~Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning ProfilesTurned off Manage signing automatically in XcodeVerified team is “none”Removed my account from XcodeShut down XcodeWent to Keychain/My Certificates search for “company name”. Deleted certificate(s) and private keyWent to Keychain/My Certificates search for “develop”. Deleted certificate(s) and private keyWent to Keychain/Certificates search for “worldwide”. Delete certificate(s)Went to Keychain/Certificate Assistant/Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority (making sure nothing was selected for Keychains and “All Items” was selected in the Categories section of the Keychain. I then saved a signing request to my machineLogging in as that Developer role, I went to MC/Certificates and clicked on the plus sign to add a new certificate. Chose Apple Development (since I am usng Xcode 11), then clicked Continue. I chose the signing certificate request I just made, then Continue. I downloaded the new file, development.cerI verified the new cert was in fact in the MCI download the WWDRCA certificate here: to the Finder, double-clicked on AppleWWDRCA.cer then development.cerDouble clicked on the team distribution.cer file I sent myself as Account HolderDouble clicked on the team distribution .mobileprovision profile I sent myself as Account Holder. This uses the Apple Developer certificate, and is a wildcard profile for iOSLaunched Xcode, then added my account to Xcode preferences and selected my team. Under Manage Certificates I see a Development and a Distribution certificateI turned on Manage signing automatically and selected my team under Signing and CapabiitiesI then built and deployed successully a simple, single-view app that does nothing, to an actual iOS deviceI then archived and tried to distribute the app via the Organizer, accepting all defaults.I then got the above errorWhere am I going wrong?Thank you!
Jun ’20
Best practice to send iOS distribution certificate/profile to team members?
Hi, we have a new Organization account.Our developer profiles work fine.But from what we can see, there is no way for someone with the Developer role to get access to the team distribution certificate and provisioning profile to upload to ASC. Is that in fact correct?If so, then should the Account Holder just email the team distribution certificate and provisioning profile to every developer? Seems a bit strange given that Xcode manages so much of the process automatically.What do other folks do?Thank you!
Jun ’20
No accounts with the Admin role have been found...
We have a new Organization account.When one of my developers archives an app and tries to upload it to ASC, he gets the following: "No accounts with the Admin role have been found..."In ASC he clearly has Developer role with access to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.He can also build and deploy the app to his own device fine.Any ideas what is going on?Help is much appreciated!
Jun ’20
New Organization Account Questions
Hi,I recently created an Organization account for the company I work for.I have prior experience with App Store Connect and the Developer Center since I am an iOS developer but I'm a bit confused about how I should set things up for everyone in an Organization account.So far I have:1. In App Store Connect, added a few folks as Developer, Admin and App Admin roles2. In App Store Connect created an app3. In the Dev Center, created an App ID for it (specific not wildcard)4. In the Dev Center, created a team iOS distribution certificate5. Created an Admin account for myself so I will not have to work always as the Account Holder. Items 1-4 were done as the Account Holder, however.Presently, one of my developers is trying to upload a binary so we can use TestFlight and he is getting the following errors:1. "[team name] does not have permission to create iOS App Store provisioning profiles"2. "No profiles for [bundle id] were found"He is letting Xcode mamage the signing automtically. I know I'm doing something wrong and not him but I'm not sure exactly what.So I'm asking two things basically:1. Any ideas what I need to do to fix this?2. If you were setting up an Organization account, what things and in what order would you do them?Thanks very much for any and all help!
May ’20
ARKit UiImages displaying in black and white
I am still new to ARKit and experimenting with display images. I am creating an SCNNode and SCNPlane and setting the nodes background eaual to the image (node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "name of image"). When the image is displayed the image has no color and is black and white. Has anyone ran into this before?
Apr ’20