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Hi, Before iOS 15, Wallet app was named this way regardless the language, but on iOS 15 it is localized (for example, when the iPhone language is set to Spanish, its label is "Cartera", and it's referred as such in all new materials, Spanish Apple website, etc). However, the localized badges which we can download from still read always "Apple Wallet" in all languages. Will they be updated to match the new localized app names? If not, won't it be confusing for users?
by iOliva.
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In our website, we may have some dynamic parameters in the querystring, which we need to be persisted after the user logs in with Sign In with Apple, but we get an invalid_redirect_uri error every time.Is there any way we can setup that the allowed redirect URI might have some parameters in the querystring?I think that SIWA should check only the beginning of the URI, and if it matches, and it finds some parameters in the querystring, just pass them along to the redirect URI upon login.Any help? Thanks!
by iOliva.
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Our web layout requires ourselves to implement Sign in with Apple with a custom button, so that we can show the logo left-aligned, for example.Our implementation is with usePopup: true.In Safari, a normal popup is shown, asking Apple ID login every time. However, if we use the built-in button, with an "appleid-signin" button, the optimized Safari UX is triggered.We have tried adding id=appleid-signin to our custom button as well, but this makes things worse, as the built-in button gets rendered inside our custom one instead.Is it not possible to trigger the optimized Safari experience using a custom button?Thanks in advance.
by iOliva.
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Currently, the button provided by apple.auth.js only displays text in English.However, Apple provides an article that explains how to download localized PNG versions to be used if you want to implement the feature in other platforms.Anyone knows if there is a way to make the JS display a localized button, maybe passing a data-locale or data-lang attribute to the apple-signin div?
by iOliva.
Last updated