




Reply to Validate drag operations with Transferable
Thanks for your response! This depends on the context of the drop. For example, a dropDestination(for:action:) on a Table row would provide you the offset relative to the view’s underlying collection of data and you could use that to determine the appropriate index. I actually meant the functionality of -[NSOutlineView setDropItem:dropChildIndex:] where I can re-target the drop to another list item or making an ordered insertion to an unordered insertion. This is currently not supported with Transferable. Okay, thanks – I'll file a feedback. I wonder about the best workaround. Using onMove is not an option, because I want to be able to move items across multiple windows. Also it doesn't support move across List sections. The only option I see is to use onDrop and changing the drop icon using the DropDelegate. But it seems this won't display the blue drop indicator on macOS (while dropDestination does this).