Hello everyone. I'm try to get out of verifyReceipt for my app. I'm try to following this link https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/
Then I'm testing by using old receipt from my app. Using receiptUtility.extractTransactionIdFromAppReceipt(appReceipt);
I got this transaction Id 160000542059454. Then follow the step in the video to get all transaction history I realize that it missing transaction which have productype as consumable. If I'm using getTransactionInfo an pass that Id I can fetch the info of that transaction. So my question is how to get all transaction Id history.
Hello everyone. I'm try to get out of verifyReceipt endpoint by following this link https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/
at the end of video so after using ReceiptUtility extract receipt data to get transationId then using getTransactionHistory to do what? it doesn't clear in the video. Where I can get document on how to verify receipt with AppStoreServerAPI.