Hello everyone. I'm try to get out of verifyReceipt for my app. I'm try to following this link https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10143/ Then I'm testing by using old receipt from my app. Using receiptUtility.extractTransactionIdFromAppReceipt(appReceipt); I got this transaction Id 160000542059454. Then follow the step in the video to get all transaction history I realize that it missing transaction which have productype as consumable. If I'm using getTransactionInfo an pass that Id I can fetch the info of that transaction. So my question is how to get all transaction Id history.
As an update to my post above - at WWDC24 we released a new version 2 of the Get Transaction History endpoint that returns all transactions for a given user of your app. This includes consumables regardless of their refund, revocation, and finished status. Just be sure to use /v2/
in the endpoint path: