Hi community,
I have a pair of stereo images, one for each eye. How should I render it on visionOS?
I know that for 3D videos, the AVPlayerViewController could display them in fullscreen mode. But I couldn't find any docs relating to 3D stereo images.
I guess my question can be brought up in a more general way: Is there any method that we can render different content for each eye? This could also be helpful to someone who only has sight on one eye.
I'm trying to place my 3D content relative to my SwiftUI window. And I find the GeometryReader3D doesn't work as expected. Or maybe I don't fully understand it?
When tapping the 3D models in the RealityKit scene, they should be expected to align with the center of the SwiftUI window, not the immersive space origin(0, 0, 0).
I further found out the transform of GeometryProxy3D.transform is always identity matrix, no matter in which space.
I also noticed in the example and doc, it should come with a ZStack, and I tried it as well, still failed.
Could some clarify it a little bit?
Below is a brief layout of my app:
WindowGroup {
ImmersiveSpace(id: "ImmersiveSpace") {
var body: some View {
GeometryReader3D { proxy in
ZStack {
RealityView { content in
if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "ImmersiveScene", in: realityKitContentBundle) {
.gesture(TapGesture().targetedToAnyEntity().onEnded({ value in
if let trans = proxy.transform(in: .immersiveSpace)?.translation {
value.entity.position = SIMD3<Float>(trans.vector)
As the title suggests, is it possible to get a 6 faces cube map from MapKit LookAround api? Afaik, the MKLookAroundSnapshotter can only take 1 picture, without any configuration for the lookat direction. However, Google street api can achieve the desired request.
I reckon it's a very important feature for people to immerse into the street view. Please implement this feature.
I'm aware that the EnvironmentResource has to be put into a folder ended with ".skybox", because Xcode need to compile the image at build time.
But why? Is it possible to load the EnvironmentResource on demand?
I'm trying to toggle the visibility of an overlay by using hovering. However, I found onHover() and onContinuousHover() don't work on visionOS. Is it intended?
Is there an solution for my case?