codesign -fs FS --timestamp --force --deep --options runtime --entitlements ./entitlements.plist TOOL_NAME
TOOL_NAME: internal error in Code Signing subsystem
I got this and this.
codesign -dvvv .TOOL_NAME
TOOL_NAME:code object is not signed at all
Also, I have tried
codesign -fs FS --timestamp --force --deep --options runtime TOOL_NAME
codesign -fs FS --timestamp --force --deep TOOL_NAME
codesign -fs FS --timestamp --force TOOL_NAME
They can not work
Need help still
Is there anyone know how to deal with it ? Please.
I can git you something new. I replace
target_link_libraries(TOOL_NAME -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ )
target_link_libraries(TOOL_NAME -static-libgcc )
and I can sign and notarize it success.
but get error when run it .
zsh: killed TOOL_NAME
Hey @ChuckMN,
I will show you step by step.It may be helpful for you.
coding and test my command-line tool.;
as you know, we have to sign and notarize it before release;
then its all right for run, test, sign, and notatize . It`s all right, then next.
for release , I add static lib to my CMakeLists.txt as follow :
target_link_libraries(TOOL_NAME -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ )
run and test ok
6.sign error!
codesign -fs FS --timestamp --force --deep --options runtime --entitlements ENTITLMENT TOOL_NAME
TOOL_NAME: internal error in Code Signing subsystem
so ,how to fix?
After I add
target_link_libraries(TOOL_NAME -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ )
I get this error, how can I fix it?
I met the same error . When I run my command-line tool built from clion on the other`s mac.
How can I fix it?
why no body come?
how to apply push certifacate via api?
any body help?
I have to use much much to maintain push and voip how to deal with it?
I am die ing for it help please