anyone help?
one more thing the team id is : 67TN4M5XM5
my reqdata :
map[data:map[attributes:map[name:nowdebugnotification profileType:IOSAPP_DEVELOPMENT] relationships:map[bundleId:map[data:map[id:8FT3467J97 type:bundleIds]] certificates:map[data:[map[id:566W4ZNWT8 type:certificates]]] devices:map[data:[map[id:289RY9WF24 type:devices] map[id:35375V9H48 type:devices] map[id:3688924L2P type:devices] map[id:3MFKGRC7WM type:devices] map[id:3R67NDST3L type:devices] map[id:46K4MJ657G type:devices] map[id:4JQ4G72F66 type:devices] map[id:4LQ74G2RD8 type:devices] map[id:4RVVG27VP4 type:devices] map[id:59AVUM6TH2 type:devices] map[id:59LFD4FWYP type:devices] map[id:5D8R59Q894 type:devices] map[id:5VMVMKU54Y type:devices] map[id:5Y5WU7797F type:devices] map[id:6N8RH787PQ type:devices] map[id:6QNHKC87X4 type:devices] map[id:723J2NBMD8 type:devices] map[id:772ZA22M65 type:devices] map[id:7Q8XBUD3G8 type:devices] map[id:82MZ9J86MY type:devices] map[id:87MMJ2LMQ9 type:devices] map[id:8QRDP2N3R8 type:devices] map[id:8U7K96HT93 type:devices] map[id:92HN2ZSZG7 type:devices] map[id:9ALC6W47GB type:devices] map[id:9PQXLW4C5S type:devices] map[id:9R438FG558 type:devices] map[id:9RGSZDPXP4 type:devices] map[id:9RS4BHMAPL type:devices] map[id:9Y379QKXC6 type:devices] map[id:AC3SNBA3M7 type:devices] map[id:AHT5Z626AJ type:devices] map[id:BM8H4W886X type:devices] map[id:C5RY59TRUK type:devices] map[id:DJZ79NM2Q2 type:devices] map[id:FB8ABK4APU type:devices] map[id:FV9B255Q2N type:devices] map[id:FZHNU69U46 type:devices] map[id:G24L2NDC4D type:devices] map[id:GC9S26CAW7 type:devices] map[id:GR4W4Q7YD6 type:devices] map[id:H39LW86H2M type:devices] map[id:HFRXV6CQRF type:devices] map[id:HX3HR6Y86G type:devices] map[id:L93627ZWHN type:devices] map[id:LGQ68JKG6K type:devices] map[id:LS6JAYHBJ3 type:devices] map[id:ND8G9A9B8T type:devices] map[id:NY75V9HGN3 type:devices] map[id:P24D49JNSH type:devices] map[id:P9A7A3SADR type:devices] map[id:Q6JKKASBLQ type:devices] map[id:QU4M5H9QXY type:devices] map[id:R44Q87G5WS type:devices] map[id:R58CFK3GGP type:devices] map[id:SS66RZK2KR type:devices] map[id:TLJ2SUFC93 type:devices] map[id:U5JNRWH74D type:devices] map[id:U6SHKJGT2Q type:devices] map[id:W69WJ24QW5 type:devices] map[id:W9MY7FR73Q type:devices] map[id:X2Q7NXB56L type:devices] map[id:Y6VJ6P3PY8 type:devices] map[id:LDK5R3886T type:devices] map[id:8DTX96357K type:devices] map[id:68586YAAJ6 type:devices]]]] type:profiles]]
In our company we have different team dealing with certs and coding.
Our team Id is : 88L2Q4487U
The Bundle Id is : com.tencent.tenvideo
The profile is : com.tencent.tenvideoProductionSignProvision.provisionprofile
Im sure I have enable the cabalibities but after editing the profile I didnt work.
Thanks a lot! I will have a try
I have finished the video
but I still don`t know how to apply an apple_distribution certificate or a push certificatat by appstore connect api
Could you please help me?
Hey gays, could you tell me when will you update this doc :
yes,I see it. But the doc is still the old one. I don`t how to start.
somebody help? we are a big company and we have thousands of apps.
we need appstore connect api please . It saved us a lot of time.
from the doc :
I can only enable or disable a capabilities of bundleId, but I can not edit it's just like setting app group or binding a APN key