I'm trying to have .onDelete for delete and .swipeActions for other actions. It is not working this way. Any idea?
The thing is I try to have delete as part of .swipeActions. However, I can't find the way to set up the delete animation like the one .onDelete has.
I tried to launch the BGAppRefreshTaskRequest from ColorFeed sample project on simulator. It is not working. Any idea why?
Here is logging.
2022-03-16 09:59:18.133956-0400 ColorFeed[1225:23444] Simulating launch for task with identifier com.example.apple-samplecode.ColorFeed.refresh
2022-03-16 09:59:21.510051-0400 ColorFeed[1225:24949] No task request with identifier <decode: missing data> has been scheduled
The command for debugger:
e -l objc -- (void)[[BGTaskScheduler sharedScheduler] _simulateLaunchForTaskWithIdentifier:@"com.example.apple-samplecode.ColorFeed.refresh"]
ColorFeed project:
In Efficiency awaits: Background tasks in SwiftUI,
the isStormy() func has only one request. What if we have multiple requests. What's the best implementation?
Hi, what is the best way to handle dark mode for third party web content in WKWebView?