




Reply to Get now playing track Apple Music API
The closest thing to this is by observing the SystemMusicPlayer.shared this class gives you queue and state instance properties . With the currentEntry.item of the queue you can get a Song or MusicVideo ID so you can use that to fetch the right content More about SystemPlayer: EDIT: Just noticed this was about the Apple Music API and not MusicKit
Dec ’22
Reply to SwiftUI with RoomPlan ?
You can use a UIViewRepresentable together with a singleton, not sure if this is the best way to do so but it works for me :) here's a quick example: Model (here you setup your RoomCaptureView) final class Model : ObservableObject, RoomCaptureViewDelegate { static var shared = Model() @Published var roomCaptureView : RoomCaptureView var captureSessionConfig : RoomCaptureSession.Configuration init() { roomCaptureView = RoomCaptureView(frame: .zero) captureSessionConfig = RoomCaptureSession.Configuration() } func startSession() { captureSessionConfig) } func stopSession() { roomCaptureView.captureSession.stop() } func captureView(shouldPresent roomDataForProcessing: CapturedRoomData, error: Error?) -> Bool { return true } // Here you will get the final post-processed results. func captureView(didPresent processedResult: CapturedRoom, error: Error?) { if let error = error { print("Error: \(error)") } } } UIViewRepresentable struct RoomCaptureRep: UIViewRepresentable { func makeUIView(context: Context) -> RoomCaptureView { return Model.shared.roomCaptureView } func updateUIView(_ uiView: RoomCaptureView, context: Context) { } } Usage struct CoolRoomPlanView : View { @StateObject var model = Model.shared var body : some View { ZStack { RoomCaptureRep() Button { model.startSession() } label: { Text( "Start") } } } }
Jun ’22
Reply to Request content in a specific locale?
Hi Joe, Thank you for taking the time to respond. Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations = ["en"] Bundle.main.localizations = ["de", "es", "nl", "pt-PT", "en", "Base"] Bundle.main.developmentLocalization = Optional("en") MusicDataRequest.currentCountryCode = nl This is what I get back from the code snippet above. I used to support more languages but I've removed them. Looking at this response I noticed they were still considered to be active so I investigated it and noticed I still had some localized visuals. After removing them it seems to be fixed :) Maybe it's an idea that MusicKit looks at the Bundle.main.preferredLocalizations instead of the Bundle.main.localizations? Anyway, thank you so much for this pointer :)
May ’22