still continue this issue for me,
same for me,just waiting for new updates..
issue fixed,it shows 2 December as payment date!
hello, any solutions?
oh I perceive that it works on iOS device,
same issue on macOS platform,i use unity platform for build here my code :
public class Achievement
public AchievementType Type;
public int Value;
public string ID;
public Achievement(AchievementType type, int value, string id)
Type = type;
Value = value;
ID = id;
public async void Unlock()
var achievements = await GKAchievement.LoadAchievements();
var achievement = achievements.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Identifier == ID);
achievement ??= GKAchievement.Init(ID);
Debug.Log("Achievement will be unlocked" + ID);
Debug.Log("Last Reported Date " + achievement.LastReportedDate);
if (!achievement.IsCompleted)
Debug.Log("Achievement Unlocked" + ID);
achievement.PercentComplete = 100;
achievement.ShowCompletionBanner = true;
GKAchievement[] achieves = {achievement};
await GKAchievement.Report(achieves);
Debug.Log("Achievement Reported" + ID);
Debug.Log("Achievement Already Unlocked" + ID);
anyone solved problem?