




Direct link to all my apps in App Store not working in iOS 12
In previous iOS versions I've able to open a URL of the form "itms-apps://" and the App Store app would open at a page showing all my apps. This doesn't seem to work in iOS 12. I see a "Cannot Connect to AppStore" error message within the App Store app.Using "https" instead of "itms-apps" takes me to the iTunes Store app and does show a list of my apps, but as a simple list, not the nice iOS 11 app store UI.Opening an itms-apps URL for a specific app still seems to work (but not 100% of the time).Is this just a temporary problem during the beta or are links to artist pages no longer supported?
Jun ’18
iOS 16.0 beta 2 can no longer render variable color and multicolor simultaneously
iOS 16.0 beta 1 added a new UIImage initialiser for creating a system image that allows both a variable color amount and symbol configuration to be provided: +[UIImage systemImageNamed:variableValue:withConfiguration:] In beta 1 I was able to use this just fine and could happily mix variable color with all the different render modes. In beta 2 using this initialiser always results in monochrome rendering. In beta 2, if I ask for multicolor I get monochrome. I don't get the new automatic render as images such as iphone.homebutton.radiowaves.left.and.right appear in monochrome, not hierarchical.
Jun ’22
Notarized Mac Catalyst app fails to run due to entitlement
I have an iOS app which I'm trying to build with mac Catalyst. It works well locally but I'm having problems when I try and build a notarized version to send to testers. I have sucessfully notarized the app but when I run it, nothing happens. Console logs this:default 10:10:46.455899+0000 taskgated-helper 70673: 0xdfd172 Checking profile: XC OSX: com.hacknicity.adaptivity.aerror 10:10:46.455919+0000 taskgated-helper 70673: 0xdfd172 com.hacknicity.adaptivity.a: Unsatisfied entitlements: 10:10:46.455934+0000 taskgated-helper 70673: 0xdfd172 Disallowing: com.hacknicity.adaptivity.adefault 10:10:46.456962+0000 amfid 184: 0xdfd304 /Users/geoff/Desktop/ signature not valid: -67671default 10:10:46.457021+0000 kernel 0: 0xdfd3ce proc 70702: load code signature error 4 for file "AdaptivityA"default 10:10:46.457380+0000 kernel 0: 0xdfd3cf Security policy would not allow process: 70702, /Users/geoff/Desktop/ 10:10:46.465528+0000 ReportCrash 530: 0xdfce46 Parsing corpse data for process AdaptivityA [pid 70702]default 10:10:47.329601+0000 ReportCrash 530: 0xdfce46 Saved crash report for AdaptivityA[70702] version ??? to AdaptivityA_2020-02-25-101047_Villanelle-2.crashThe iOS app has the Fonts->Use Installed Fonts capability configured in Xcode and I use UIFontPickerViewController to allow the user to choose a custom font. That view controller simply doesn't appear on Mac Catalyst, so I conditionally removed that part of the UI. However, the entitlements are shared between the iOS and Catalyst versions so I can't have it enabled in one and not in the other.I suspect I might need to switch to manual signing so I can use separate provisioning profiles for the iOS and Catalyst versions. That seems like it shouldn't be necessary...
Feb ’20
watchOS 6 complication reload problems from notification actions and siri intent handlers
I have a Pomodoro timer watch app which includes a complication. When the timer is started, a series of local notifications are scheduled out into the future corresponding to the start times for work/break periods. The notifications have custom actions such as "Pause" and "Stop" which, when invoked, affect the timer and trigger a complication reload using a method in my extension delegate:- (void)reloadComplicationTimeline { HNCLog1(@"reloading timeline for active complications"); CLKComplicationServer *complicationServer = [CLKComplicationServer sharedInstance]; for (CLKComplication *complication in complicationServer.activeComplications) { HNCLog1(@"reloading complication with family %lu", (unsigned long); [complicationServer reloadTimelineForComplication:complication]; } }Since watchOS 6 I've been seeing bugs where the complication timeline will not reload when I call this method from a notification handler or in a WKIntentDidRunRefreshBackgroundTask handler (that's how Siri shortcuts to control the timer trigger a reload).This all worked fine on watchOS 4 and 5. Reloading the timeline from the Watch app itself works fine. Reloading from a notification handler when debugging in the simulator works fine. But it doesn't ever seem to work on a real device (watchOS 6.1).I've been poring through console logs and found this rather suspicious entry shortly after I request my reloading:default 12:59:05.452931 +0000 PommieWatchKitExtension 1632: 0x1630cd Complication server connection interrupted. Will attempt to reconnect.Am I doing something wrong? Are other apps using notification actions and/or Siri intents that trigger complication reloads working??
Nov ’19