watchOS 6 complication reload problems from notification actions and siri intent handlers

I have a Pomodoro timer watch app which includes a complication. When the timer is started, a series of local notifications are scheduled out into the future corresponding to the start times for work/break periods. The notifications have custom actions such as "Pause" and "Stop" which, when invoked, affect the timer and trigger a complication reload using a method in my extension delegate:

- (void)reloadComplicationTimeline
    HNCLog1(@"reloading timeline for active complications");

    CLKComplicationServer *complicationServer = [CLKComplicationServer sharedInstance];

    for (CLKComplication *complication in complicationServer.activeComplications) {
        HNCLog1(@"reloading complication with family %lu", (unsigned long);

        [complicationServer reloadTimelineForComplication:complication];

Since watchOS 6 I've been seeing bugs where the complication timeline will not reload when I call this method from a notification handler or in a WKIntentDidRunRefreshBackgroundTask handler (that's how Siri shortcuts to control the timer trigger a reload).

This all worked fine on watchOS 4 and 5. Reloading the timeline from the Watch app itself works fine. Reloading from a notification handler when debugging in the simulator works fine. But it doesn't ever seem to work on a real device (watchOS 6.1).

I've been poring through console logs and found this rather suspicious entry shortly after I request my reloading:

default 12:59:05.452931 +0000 PommieWatchKitExtension 1632: 0x1630cd Complication server connection interrupted. Will attempt to reconnect.

Am I doing something wrong? Are other apps using notification actions and/or Siri intents that trigger complication reloads working??

> But it doesn't ever seem to work on a real device (watchOS 6.1).

Well, running on a real device in the debugger does seem to work.

It's as if something is dying when the debugger isn't keeping it alive.

But I'm pretty sure my watchkit extension process stays alive. i don't see a spinner when I tap the complication to launch the app. The app still seems to be very much alive throughout the whole process.

I'm seeing the same error. Did you have any luck finding a fix?

Oh my. This seems to have been fixed in watchOS 7!
watchOS 6 complication reload problems from notification actions and siri intent handlers