Ahh, I figured as much.
Thanks for the reply!
Did you ever figure out what your issue was? I'm having a similar problem.
I'm also experiencing this issue. I tried the workaround for reloading the webview in the viewWillAppear, but no joy for me (I'm loading the pdf from a local URL, so maybe that's the difference?).
I'm seeing this in iOS 13, but haven't tried the iOS 14 beta to see if it's resolved there.
What I ended up doing was load the PDF data myself (outside of the webKit view load method), caching the PDF data in memory, and then calling load like so:
webView.load(data, mimeType: "application/pdf", characterEncodingName:"", baseURL: cachePath.deletingLastPathComponent())
But like replman's case, the contentOffset is reset to 0,0 when switching the tab back to the webkitview .
You could probably set delegate methods to cache the last known scroll offset, and then on the viewWillAppear, scroll to that last known offset. For my specific purpose, it's not worth it.
Oh my god I feel so dumb, but also slightly annoyed. I figured out the cause for my specific problem of the intents opening the application instead of running.
Overview of my situation / problem: Simulator ran intents fine, no issues
Device (iPhone SE2) opened the app on intent run.
Long story short, and after a couple days of literally trying everything I could, it ended up that my iPhone didn't have the latest iOS build (13.6.1) and was running 13.5.1. I was using the latest version of xcode for my build (Version 11.6 (11E708)).
After updating the iPhone, the intents ran fine. It appears the situation was caused for me by the specific iOS version or because the version of the iOS sdk I was using was newer than the iOS running on the device? Who knows. Glad it's fixed and I didn't have to give up my entire weekend. =)
Seeing the same issue, no workaround I can find :(
might force me to make an external user system for my app ughhh apple please fix!
Looks like it’s now working. I was able to redeem a code!