




Apple keeps rejecting my app
Apple keeps rejecting my app. The reasons are incomprehensible. Tell me if this is an acceptable reason. But who works there at Apple? Hello, Thank you for resubmitting your app. Your call with an Apple representative is confirmed. In the meantime, your app is still out of compliance with the following Guideline (s): Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness We look forward to speaking with you. Best regards, App Store Review According to these genes, the mistake is in the purchase process. Now I don't want to talk to these geniuses. Their policy is incorrect. They must specify the reason clearly. I have not had any problems with Microosft and Google. My app repeats the same subscription logic obviously following Apple's logic 1) When the app starts, the user decides whether to purchase the subscription with automatic renewal or to try the demo version 2) If you try the demo version you will find the login screen with the pre-set values; if instead you buy the subscription you will always find the login screen but with two additional items: "are you not registered?" and "remember password" 3) When the user registers, he must complete his name, surname, email and password 4) Once the registration is complete, you must confirm your account by clicking on the link of the email received at the email address indicated during registration. Only if the user clicks on the link will he be able to access. Now tell me what's wrong with this procedure. They don't say it. They are unclear. Instead of defending small developers, perhaps they prefer to destroy them. My app is not from NASA. It is a simple accounting app. I am deeply disgusted by this company after the investment made to develop.
Nov ’20