full solution with composer dependency [https://github.com/gobran1/AppleVerifyNotificationSignature/tree/main]
here is my code in php and is working correctly
public function verifySignature($jws)
$data = explode(".", $jws);
//getting header from cert
$certs = json_decode(base64_decode($data[0]))->x5c;
//validate that each certificate is issued and by next one in chain
$chain_validation = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($certs) - 1; $i++) {
$x509 = new X509();
$x509->loadCA($certs[$i + 1]);
$chain_validation &= $x509->validateSignature() & $x509->validateDate();
//verify fingerprint that equal to G3 Apple Certificate fingerprint that we can get from apple PKI certificates
$cert_resource = openssl_x509_read("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . $certs[count($certs) - 1] . "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----");
$certificateFingerprint = openssl_x509_fingerprint($cert_resource, 'sha256', true);
$fingerprintString = strtoupper(implode(':', str_split(bin2hex($certificateFingerprint), 2)));
$chain_validation &= ($fingerprintString === self::APPLE_ROOT_CA_G3_FINGERPRINT);
//validate jws signature base on public key that we fetched from first certificate
//read public key
$jwk = JWKFactory::createFromCertificate(
"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" . $certs[0] . "\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
['use' => 'sig']
//deserialize jws certificate
$jws = (new CompactSerializer())->unserialize($jws);
$algorithmManager = new AlgorithmManager([new ES256()]);
$chain_validation &= (new JWSVerifier($algorithmManager))->verifyWithKey($jws, $jwk, 0);
if (!$chain_validation)
throw new CustomException("certificate validation failed", 400);