




Understanding CloudKit Sync
Can someone please clarify the expectations for an app that offers sync technologies. My understanding is that you can use an app in your main phone, enter some data and that data should to show in any device that the user owns, simple enough. What I don't quite understand is if it is possible to login to a second device which was setup with a different account and expect the data you entered in you first device to show up. In other words let's say I have an app installed in device1 and I have been entering data and than for some reason I barrow device2 from someone else, then login to iCloud with my own account, then I download the app I was using in device1, should I expect the data from device1 to show in device2?
Jun ’20
Understanding CloudKit Communication
I have been playing around with CloudKit and I was under the impression that the user needed to be logged-in into iCloud in order to use CloudKit, but I don't think it's true. I'm testing an app that successfully communicates with the private database in CloudKit, I can read and write records to it. To my surprise I logged-off from my iCloud account and from the Sandbox Account and I can still read and write records from CloudKit which was unexpected, I was thinking that after logging off I wouldn't be able to communicate with CloudKit, in fact, I deleted the app from my phone, recompiled in Xcode and the app can still communicate with CloudKit. Is this normal behavior, does CloudKit works without the user being logged into iCloud? Thanks
Jun ’20
Child records are not shared when Parent record is shared in CloudKit
I have an app where I can share records with other users, everything works when I share a single record, my issue is when I share a record (parent record) which has children records referencing it, I can see the parent record in the Shared Database in the CloudKit Dashboard after the user accepts the share but I don't see any of the related child records.Based on the WWDC videos and some other threads I read, the child records are automatically shared when you share the parent record, but it's not what I'm seeing, again, I can see the parent record in the Shared Database but no child records.Here is an overview of how the app is set up in the CloudKit Dashboard.In the CloudKit Dashboard, I have a `Lists` and an `Items` record type, where the `Lists` record is the parent of one or many `Items`. In the `Items` schema, I have a `Reference` field type which keeps a reference to its parent list.### Here is the code I'm using to save the parent record. func shareList(){ let share = CKShare(rootRecord: self.list) if let listName = self.list.object(forKey: "name") as? String { self.listName = self.list.object(forKey: "name") as? String share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.title] = "Sharing \(listName)" as CKRecordValue? } else { share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.title] = "" as CKRecordValue? } share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.shareType] = "com.mySite.lists" as CKRecordValue let sharingViewController = UICloudSharingController(preparationHandler: {(UICloudSharingController, handler: @escaping (CKShare?, CKContainer?, Error?) -> Void) in let modRecordsList = CKModifyRecordsOperation(recordsToSave: [self.list, share], recordIDsToDelete: nil) modRecordsList.modifyRecordsCompletionBlock = { (record, recordID, error) in handler(share, CKContainer.default(), error) } CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase.add(modRecordsList) }) sharingViewController.delegate = self sharingViewController.availablePermissions = [.allowPrivate] self.navigationController?.present(sharingViewController, animated:true, completion:nil) }What I'm I missing? Is there any additional set up I need to do when sharing the parent record?I'm right saying that the child records should automatically be shared alone with the parent record?Here is a picture that demonstrates the relationship between the items and the list is working in the `Private Database`.
May ’20
What is the proper way to read shared items from the Shared Database in CloudKit
I have an app where I can create and share records with other users. When I share a record and the user accepts it, I can display the shared object right after the `userDidAcceptCloudKitShareWith` gets called and using the `CKFetchRecordsOperation` class to fetch the object, no issues here. My problem is trying to read the shared records directly from the `Shared Database` after the user has accepted the record, closed the app, and reopened the app again.The following code successfully reads all of the records from the `Private Database` located in a zone called `ListsZone`. @IBAction func sharedRecords(_ sender: Any) { let privateDatabase = CKContainer.init(identifier: "").database(with: .private) let predicate = NSPredicate(value: true) let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Items", predicate: predicate) let ckRecordZoneID = CKRecordZone(zoneName: "ListsZone") let ckRecordID = CKRecord.ID(zoneID: ckRecordZoneID.zoneID) privateDatabase.perform(query, inZoneWith:ckRecordID.zoneID){( results , error) in guard error == nil else{ print("Error \(String(describing: error?.localizedDescription))") return } if let itemsFromResults = results{ print("Items: \(itemsFromResults)") } } }What I'm expecting is to be able to read the shared records from the `Shared Database` with the same code above except modifying the line below, but it's not working.let privateDatabase = CKContainer.init(identifier: "").database(with: .shared)I get the following error."Only shared zones can be accessed in the shared DB"What am I missing?What is the proper way to read records from the `Shared Database`?I was under the impression that users who already accepted a shared record from a user and the records are saved in the `Shared Database` the user could access the records by requiring the `Shared Database` directly as shown in my code above.FYI - I know there are shared records in the shared database because I can see them in the CloudKit dashboard.
May ’20
Failed to modify some records error - CloudKit
I'm trying to share a record with other users in CloudKit but I keep getting an error. When I tap one of the items/records on the table I'm presented with the UICloudSharingController and I can see the iMessage app icon, but when I tap on it I get an error and the UICloudSharingController disappears, the funny thing is that even after the error I can still continue using the app.Here is what I have.Code var items = [CKRecord]() var itemName: String? func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) { let item = items[indexPath.row] let share = CKShare(rootRecord: item) if let itemName = item.object(forKey: "name") as? String { self.itemName = item.object(forKey: "name") as? String share[CKShareTitleKey] = "Sharing \(itemName)" as CKRecordValue? } else { share[CKShareTitleKey] = "" as CKRecordValue? self.itemName = "item" } share[CKShareTypeKey] = "bundle.Identifier.Here" as CKRecordValue prepareToShare(share: share, record: item) } private func prepareToShare(share: CKShare, record: CKRecord){ let sharingViewController = UICloudSharingController(preparationHandler: {(UICloudSharingController, handler: @escaping (CKShare?, CKContainer?, Error?) -> Void) in let modRecordsList = CKModifyRecordsOperation(recordsToSave: [record, share], recordIDsToDelete: nil) modRecordsList.modifyRecordsCompletionBlock = { (record, recordID, error) in handler(share, CKContainer.default(), error) } CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase.add(modRecordsList) }) sharingViewController.delegate = self sharingViewController.availablePermissions = [.allowPrivate] self.navigationController?.present(sharingViewController, animated:true, completion:nil) } // Delegate Methods: func cloudSharingControllerDidSaveShare(_ csc: UICloudSharingController) { print("saved successfully") } func cloudSharingController(_ csc: UICloudSharingController, failedToSaveShareWithError error: Error) { print("failed to save: \(error.localizedDescription)") } func itemThumbnailData(for csc: UICloudSharingController) -> Data? { return nil //You can set a hero image in your share sheet. Nil uses the default. } func itemTitle(for csc: UICloudSharingController) -> String? { return self.itemName }ERRORFailed to modify some records Here is what I see... idea what could be wrong?
Apr ’20
Why do I get an error when deleting data from SwiftUI List and Realm?
Hi all,I know this is may not be the right forum to post questions about Realm but my issue has to do with the nature of how SwiftUI works.Has anyone been able to successfully integrate Realm with SwiftUI, especially deleting records/rows from a SwiftUI List? I have tried a few different things but no matter what I do I get the same error. After reading some related threads I found out that other people have the same issue but I refuse to think that there is no current solution to integrate Realm with SwiftUI.The following code successfully presents all of the items from Realm in a SwiftUI List, I can create new ones and they show up in the List as expected, my issues is when I try to delete records from the List by either manually pressing a button or by left-swiping to delete the selected row, I get an Index is out of bounds error.Here is my code.Realm Model:class Dog: Object { @objc dynamic var name = "" @objc dynamic var age = 0 @objc dynamic var createdAt = NSDate() @objc dynamic var userID = UUID().uuidString override static func primaryKey() -> String? { return "userID" } }SwiftUI Code:class BindableResults: ObservableObject where Element: RealmSwift.RealmCollectionValue { var results: Results private var token: NotificationToken! init(results: Results) { self.results = results lateInit() } func lateInit() { token = results.observe { [weak self] _ in self?.objectWillChange.send() } } deinit { token.invalidate() } } struct DogRow: View { var dog = Dog() var body: some View { HStack { Text( Text("\(dog.age)") } } } struct ContentView : View { @ObservedObject var dogs = BindableResults(results: try! Realm().objects(Dog.self)) var body: some View { VStack{ List{ ForEach(dogs.results, id: \.name) { dog in DogRow(dog: dog) }.onDelete(perform: deleteRow ) } Button(action: { try! realm.write { realm.delete(self.dogs.results[0]) } }){ Text("Delete User") } } } private func deleteRow(with indexSet: IndexSet){ indexSet.forEach ({ index in try! realm.write { realm.delete(self.dogs.results[index]) } }) } }ERRORTerminating app due to uncaught exception ‘RLMException’, reason: ‘Index 23 is out of bounds (must be less than 23).’Of course, the 23 changes depending on how many items are in the Realm database, in this case, I had 24 records when I swiped and tapped the delete button.
Apr ’20
How to create private reminders that don't have to be shown in the Apple's Reminders app
With the following code, I can successfully create a reminder event and add an alarm to it that triggers 10 seconds after the event has been created. What I don't like about the way the reminder is created is that it shows in the Apple's Reminders app and when you get the notification message in your device, it shows the Reminders' app icon.Is it possible to make the reminder private so it doesn't show in Apple's Reminders app? If not, what are my options to achieve such of task?import EventKit class ViewController: UIViewController{ var eventStore = EKEventStore() override func viewDidLoad(){ super.viewDidLoad() // get user permission eventStore.requestAccess(to: EKEntityType.reminder, completion: {(granted, error) in if !granted{ print("Access denied!") } }) } @IBAction func createReminder(_ sender: Any) { let reminder = EKReminder(eventStore: self.eventStore) reminder.title = "Get Milk from the Store" reminder.calendar = eventStore.defaultCalendarForNewReminders() let date = Date() let alarm = EK Alarm(absoluteDate: date.addingTimeInterval(10) as Date) reminder.addAlarm(alarm) do { try, commit: true) } catch let error { print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } }FYI - To make the above code work you would need to add the NSRemindersUsageDescription key in the info.plist file.RemindersUsageDescription key in the info.plist file.Also, please note the space in class `EK Alarm`, for some reason it would let me add it as one word I had to add a space.
Jan ’20
Can someone please summaries and explain the logic/process for creating a reminders app
Hi,Can someone please summaries and explain the logic/process for creating a reminders app?I'm no looking for code I just need the list of frameworks and steps needed for creating a reminders app1. You fist create a calendar event (what framework/methods?).2. Than you load the calendar event (what framework/methods?).3. Than you notify the user (what framework/methods?).I know this is a very broad question but I have to start some where.Thanks
Jan ’20
Rename or find where a custom Color Asset has been used in Xcode
Now with Dark Mode I have been creating color assets to manage dark mode colors, but sometimes I think of a more semantic name for a certain color after I have used it in multiple places and I was wondering if there is a way to find where a color has been used even if I have to go and manually changed them, I'm not really looking for an automatic solution.Is there a way to rename or find all of the instances where a custom color asset has been used in Xcode?Thanks!
Oct ’19