




Have 2 Task with for loops run concurrently?
Say I want to run a Task, with a for loop. Then have another Task with a for loop. And have these both run concurrently. Is there a way? I tried doing this: func stepAsyncStep(id: String, number: Int) async { if number % 10000 == 0 { print("chirp \(id) @ \(number)") } } func somethingAsync(id: String) async { for i in 0...100_000 { await stepAsyncStep(id: id, number: i) } } Task.detached { print("task a begin") await somethingAsync(id: "a") print("task a end") } Task.detached { print("task b begin") await somethingAsync(id: "b") print("task b end") } task a begin chirp a @ 0 chirp a @ 10000 chirp a @ 20000 chirp a @ 30000 chirp a @ 40000 chirp a @ 50000 chirp a @ 60000 chirp a @ 70000 chirp a @ 80000 chirp a @ 90000 chirp a @ 100000 task a end task b begin chirp b @ 0 chirp b @ 10000 chirp b @ 20000 chirp b @ 30000 chirp b @ 40000 chirp b @ 50000 chirp b @ 60000 chirp b @ 70000 chirp b @ 80000 chirp b @ 90000 chirp b @ 100000 task b end The only way I can make these run in parallel is to add sleeps into the loops. Is there any way to make then run concurrently without Task.sleep ? I also tried a TaskGroup, this doesn't work either. Crying for help here.
Mar ’23
StoreKit Always Failing (Not on iOS 12) (Sandbox)
Hello, thank you for your time. I have run into a problem, which is effecting some of my customers. It seems like StoreKit is having trouble connecting to app store. My code is this func bounceStartSubscriptionPurchase() {       EventLogger.shared.logEvent(type: "Subscription", name: "StartSubscription")       isActive = true   isPurchasing = true   _isRestoring = false       if let oldRequest = productsRequest {     //If the old request is still alive, kill it     oldRequest.cancel()     oldRequest.delegate = nil     productsRequest = nil   }       StoreManager.postNotification(.purchaseBegin)       productsRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: ["hidden"])   productsRequest!.delegate = self   productsRequest!.start() } It works fine on my iPhone 5 with iOS 12. With my iPhone X on iOS 13.x, it is failing. Restore purchases seems to at least prompt for a login. The regular purchase will not even prompt for a login if I am not signed in (on sandbox or normal account) - it simply fails in less than 1 second. Error is this: Failed Error: Cannot connect to iTunes Store Some printouts: canMakePayments = true does have product = true request <SKProductsRequest: 0x281c3a300> requestDidFinish Update Transaction Failed Error: Cannot connect to iTunes Store--- Transaction => Failed Receipt Seconds Passed: 243.54082906246185
Jul ’20