




MediaSource support on iPhone Safari
Hello, I'm developing a PWA, this app needs to use some features of the Audio API. one feature is MediaSource I get to work on all devices except iPhone. according to it isn't supported on iPhone. are the plans to support this in the future? The application that I'm building creates a audioContext and audio elament. after that creates a buffer for type 'audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2'. and trys to fetch chunks of data into it. after the first chunk is loaded it starts playing. It works on my Mac and iPad I also tested on android. Hello, I'm developing a PWA (Progressive Web App). This app needs to use some features of the Audio API. One feature is MediaSource, which I've managed to get to work on all devices except the iPhone. According to Can I use Can I use, it isn't supported on iPhone. Are there plans to support this in the future? The application that I'm building creates an audioContext and audio element. After that, it creates a buffer for the type 'audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2".' and tries to fetch chunks of data into it. After the first chunk is loaded, it starts playing. It works on my Mac and iPad; I also tested it on Android.
Oct ’23
Apple MusicKit Queue entry endtime not set
Hello, I have a question and I hope someone can help me out. I'm trying to build a view that will respond to changes in ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue. it gets back the current entity(MusicPlayer.Queue.Entry) with a lot of information but the endtime property isn't set. how can I resolve this issue? Stap one Getting playlist information with all tracks from apple music         var request = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Playlist>(matching: \.id, equalTo: playlist.musicID) = [.tracks]         request.limit = 1;             if let tracks = try await request.response().items.first?.tracks {                 viewModel.tracks = tracks             } Step 2 Add tracks to Queue ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(for: viewModel.tracks)`  try await Sep 3 Player Starts playing update the view with the current entry I will successfully get title, subtitle and artwork but not a endtime that I need for building a nice playback timer Kind regards, Reinier de la Parra
Oct ’21
ApplicationMusicPlayer plays only song from user defined playlists
Hello, I'm trying out the new Apple MusicKit and I have some strange behavior. When I set de queue it is only possible to play song from user defined playlists. Is this the right behavior? Tracks is an var tracks: MusicItemCollection<Track>?                         ApplicationMusicPlayer.shared.queue = ApplicationMusicPlayer.Queue(for: viewModel.tracks!, startingAt: viewModel.tracks?.first!)                         try await
Aug ’21