




SwiftUI - Placing ToolbarItem on .keyboard does not work
I have a regular SwiftUI View embedded inside of a NavigationStack. In this view, I make use of the .searchable() view modifier to make that view searchable. I have a button on the toolbar placed on the .confirmationAction section, which is a problem when a User types into the search bar and the button gets replaced by the SearchBar's cancel button. Thus, I conditionally place the button, depending on whether a User is searching, either on the navigationBar or on the keyboard. The latter does not work however, as the button does not show and when trying to debug the View Hierarchy, Xcode throws an error saying the View Hierarchy could not be displayed. If I set the button to be on the .bottomBar instead, it shows up perfectly and the View Hierarchy also displays with no further issue. Has someone come across this issue and if so, how did you get it fixed? Thank you in advance.
Aug ’23
Associated Domains in Custom Apps
We have an iOS app that is distributed as a Custom App using Apple Business Manager. Our customers are firms which do some final configuration (via MDM) on the app so that it is ready for their employess to use. We now want to introduce Universal Links. The associated domain for these links corresponds to the respective server of the customer. We have tried out the links on a sample branch and it all works fine. But: Our product must not contain any customer-specific information. So we cannot enter the server addresses of the customers as associated domains in Xcode. I would expect there to be a way to register an associated domain via MDM using a configuraiton or profile, to circumvent the Apple Content Delivery Network. But I cannot find a way. Does anybody have a clue?
Jan ’22