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Given: So there is this main app repo XYZ where TargetA is a target which contains an enum EnumB. Now there is another static library StaticLibC in a separate repository which contains a protocol ProtocolD. EnumB conforms to ProtocolD. When: let abc: ProtocolD = EnumB.some(...) The above line crashes with below error: Could not cast value of type 'TargetA.EnumB' to 'StaticLibC.ProtocolD' Can someone please help here ?
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So I have a my Repo MocaKYC(static) which has a dependency on RxSwift(dynamic), RxCocoa(dynamic) and Snapkit(static) defined in it Podspec. Now my main app also has snapkit added as a static library and rxswift and rxcocoa added as dynamic. PS: My main app reads all its dependencies from artifactory through pods. So, I have to build MocaKYC as a static library in such a way that it reads it dependencies of Snapkit, RxSwift and Rxcoa from the dependencies defined and downloaded in the main app. Given all these, now when i build MocaKYC, upload it to artifactory and download it in the main app through cocoapods, While building the main app, I am getting the error as shown in the attachment. Static library building with main app error. - Can you please help me understand what the issue here is. What i understand after searching through forums is basically moca kyc is trying to call functions in snapkit, which it is not able to locate basically. Please correct me if wrong. I disassembled the binary of MocaKYC using nm and i could see calls to functions of snapkit, but somehow those calls are failing and the error above its showing as dispatch thunk referenced from func... Can someone please help here ?
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So I am running snapshot tests. For that i have selected 4 different screen sizes for the snapshots which i am running in loop and setting the frame of the UIViewController. This works when everything is auto layout-ed. But inside a view controller, if someone is reading UIScreen.main.bounds, the size that one gets is of the simulator. So to keeps things consistent, I want that when someone accesses the UIScreen.main.bounds, they get the size that I have used above instead of the simulator size. If modifying the UIScreen size is not possible, please suggest some alternative solution for the same. Thanks!
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Hi Team, my app is experiencing crash in production in function decidePolicyForNavigation where the stack trace for Webkit looks something likeWebKit WebKit::NavigationState::NavigationClient::decidePolicyForNavigationAction(WebKit::WebPageProxy&, ***::Ref<api::navigationaction, ***::dumbptrtraits<api::navigationaction=""> >&&, ***::Ref<webkit::webframepolicylistenerproxy, ***::dumbptrtraits<webkit::webframepolicylistenerproxy=""> >&&, API::Object*) + 584 2 WebKit WebKit::WebPageProxy::decidePolicyForNavigationAction(***::Ref<webkit::webprocessproxy, ***::dumbptrtraits<webkit::webprocessproxy=""> >&&, WebKit::WebFrameProxy&, WebCore::SecurityOriginData&&, unsigned long long, WebKit::NavigationActionData&&, WebKit::FrameInfoData&&, unsigned long long, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceRequest&&, IPC::FormDataReference&&, WebCore::ResourceResponse&&, WebKit::UserData const&, ***::Ref<webkit::webpageproxy::policydecisionsender, ***::dumbptrtraits<webkit::webpageproxy::policydecisionsender=""> >&&) + 2572 3 WebKit WebKit::WebPageProxy::decidePolicyForNavigationActionAsyncShared(***::Ref<webkit::webprocessproxy, ***::dumbptrtraits<webkit::webprocessproxy=""> >&&, unsigned long long, WebCore::SecurityOriginData&&, WebCore::PolicyCheckIdentifier, unsigned long long, WebKit::NavigationActionData&&, WebKit::FrameInfoData&&, unsigned long long, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceRequest&&, IPC::FormDataReference&&, WebCore::ResourceResponse&&, WebKit::UserData const&, unsigned long long) + 376 4 WebKit WebKit::WebPageProxy::decidePolicyForNavigationActionAsync(unsigned long long, WebCore::SecurityOriginData&&, WebCore::PolicyCheckIdentifier, unsigned long long, WebKit::NavigationActionData&&, WebKit::FrameInfoData&&, unsigned long long, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceRequest&&, IPC::FormDataReference&&, WebCore::ResourceResponse&&, WebKit::UserData const&, unsigned long long) + 108 5 WebKit void IPC::callMemberFunctionImpl<webkit::webpageproxy, void="" (webkit::webpageproxy::*)(unsigned="" long="" long,="" webcore::securityorigindata&&,="" webcore::policycheckidentifier,="" unsigned="" webkit::navigationactiondata&&,="" webkit::frameinfodata&&,="" webcore::resourcerequest="" const&,="" webcore::resourcerequest&&,="" ipc::formdatareference&&,="" webcore::resourceresponse&&,="" webkit::userdata="" long),="" std::__1::tuple<unsigned="" webcore::securityorigindata,="" webkit::navigationactiondata,="" webkit::frameinfodata,="" webcore::resourcerequest,="" ipc::formdatareference,="" webcore::resourceresponse,="" webkit::userdata,="">, 0ul, 1ul, 2ul, 3ul, 4ul, 5ul, 6ul, 7ul, 8ul, 9ul, 10ul, 11ul, 12ul>(WebKit::WebPageProxy*, void (WebKit::WebPageProxy::*)(unsigned long long, WebCore::SecurityOriginData&&, WebCore::PolicyCheckIdentifier, unsigned long long, WebKit::NavigationActionData&&, WebKit::FrameInfoData&&, unsigned long long, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceRequest&&, IPC::FormDataReference&&, WebCore::ResourceResponse&&, WebKit::UserData const&, unsigned long long), std::__1::tuple&&, std::__1::integer_sequence) + 108 6 WebKit void IPC::handleMessage<messages::webpageproxy::decidepolicyfornavigationactionasync, webkit::webpageproxy,="" void="" (webkit::webpageproxy::*)(unsigned="" long="" long,="" webcore::securityorigindata&&,="" webcore::policycheckidentifier,="" unsigned="" webkit::navigationactiondata&&,="" webkit::frameinfodata&&,="" webcore::resourcerequest="" const&,="" webcore::resourcerequest&&,="" ipc::formdatareference&&,="" webcore::resourceresponse&&,="" webkit::userdata="" long)="">(IPC::Decoder&, WebKit::WebPageProxy*, void (WebKit::WebPageProxy::*)(unsigned long long, WebCore::SecurityOriginData&&, WebCore::PolicyCheckIdentifier, unsigned long long, WebKit::NavigationActionData&&, WebKit::FrameInfoData&&, unsigned long long, WebCore::ResourceRequest const&, WebCore::ResourceRequest&&, IPC::FormDataReference&&, WebCore::ResourceResponse&&, WebKit::UserData const&, unsigned long long)) + 100Can someone please help here?Thanks.
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