@i_Smalltalk: They are likely using MKMapSnapshotter in MapKit to capture the map into an image and displaying that in the widget. That should work for you as well.
You can add padding to the HStack like shown below. But if anyone else has a suggestion on how you can blead the shadow onto the other views without using padding, I would appreciate it 😀
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack(spacing: 20) {
ForEach(0 ..< 12) { index in
.frame(width: 100, height: 100, alignment: .center)
.shadow(radius: 20)
Yes, it works correctly on the iOS targets - seems to only affect macOS. Submitted a feedback for it (FB7864988).
Thanks for the reply, good to see that I was not the only one experiencing this! 😄 The good thing is that this has been solved in beta 2!
You should file feedbacks like this in the Feedback Assistant instead.
Probably a hiccup with App Store Connect.. Happened to me the other day as well. Resubmitting the app worked.
@robertvojta: Yes you can. Actually openradar.me - http://www.openradar.me/ is whitelisted on the new Apple Developer Forums 😃
"ui.post.body.urlWhiteList": 'apple.com,stackoverflow.com,swift.org,example.com,github.com,openradar.me,icloud.com,webkit.org,wikipedia.com,ietf.org,developer.mozilla.org'
Consider enabling sharing of analytics to developer on your iOS device, that way the developer would get your crash report directly. I don't think the Facebook engineers browse this forum for crash reports.
is set to false.
No worries, might try that out or wait for another update. Just curious, how did you revert to a previous version? Using Time Machine or similar?
Same issue here.
For anyone who might experience the same issue. I had to revive the T2 chip firmware before the update could proceed.You need another Mac to do this. Follow this guide:https://support.apple.com/no-no/guide/apple-configurator-2/apdebea5be51/mac
I tried that and also reset of SMC, but without any luck.
Has anyone found a solution for this? I still experience the same issue, even with the public release.
Same issue here (same with the previous betas). Reported it to Apple, but havent got any feedback on it (FB7667446).Tried forcing the update, but that didn't help either.softwareupdate -i "macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta-4" --force
Software Update Tool
Downloaded macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta
Preparing macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta
Error downloading macOS Catalina 10.15.5 Developer Beta: Det oppsto en feil under installering av oppdateringen.
Error downloading updates.
Same issue with beta 3. Anyone know how to fix it (if it can)?