




Issues with Apple Authentication in CloudKit JS
Hello, everyone! I'm using CloudKit JS with a React SPA to allow users from a mobile app to access their data in a web browser. Currently, the project is still under development so there are no public users beside my team. The way I've integrated CK JS in my app is via their CDN, importing the required url in my index.html file. However, I'm having issues with the Authentication using Apple Sign In. While the Sign In and Sign Out buttons work correctly for me and my teammates, the session is not persisted for everyone. Actually, I'm the only one from me team that does not have to log in every day. I have the following configuration function: export const configureCloudKit = () => { window.CloudKit.configure({ locale: 'en-us', containers: [ { containerIdentifier: CONTAINER_ID, apiTokenAuth: { apiToken: API_TOKEN, persist: true, signInButton: { id: 'apple-sign-in-button', theme: 'black', }, signOutButton: { id: 'apple-sign-out-button', theme: 'black', }, }, environment: 'development', }, ], }); }; As you can see, I'm using the persist:true option so there shouldn't be any issues with having a persistent session. From my research, I found that CloudKit JS sets a cookie called and if I delete that cookie, when I reload the browser, the session is indeed lost. This happens for all my teammates, same cookie and same behavior. Nevertheless, I also found three cookies that are not present for any of my teammates but me (using Google Chrome). Those are called: X-APPLE-WEBAUTH-AC-PARTITION X-APPLE-WEBAUTH-AC-SERVERINFO X-APPLE-WEBAUTH-AC-TOKEN But even if I delete those cookies, the session is not lost for me. Does anyone know whether I'm doing something wrong with the configuration? Or if there are something I'm not taking into account regarding the cookies handling in my project?
Sep ’24
Using CloudKit JS for a React web app
Hello, everyone! I'm currently working in creating a new web app that will replicate the functionalities of an existing iOS and Mac app. However, since those apps rely on CloudKit to manage all user information, we decided on using CloudKit JS as our backend for our web app. The framework we chose for developing our frontend is React. The question is, since this documentation only mentions the CloudKit JS usage through a CDN (embedded directly in the HTML file) I wanted to ask: is there a "suggested" method for using CloudKit JS in a React project other than importing the CDN in the main html file? in case not, should we use a "traditional" server to access data like they suggest in this thread? All your help will be very much appreciated. Best regards, Eduardo
Jan ’24