Anyone else notice that Finder no longer shows most photos exif data when in column mode - usually it appears below the photos image.
Does anyone know where I can find an example of creating a NSView subclass with custom bindings. I need to be able to bind to the object in interface builder.
This is the only reference in Apple documents but as is often the case there appear to be no examples.
I am trying to figure out if AppKit provides any support for Async/Await when presenting ViewControllers.
Typically one has to use a completionHandler that gets called when the viewController is dismissed.
Any way to used Async/Await for achieving the same thing ?
The WWDC2024 custom data store example doesn't provide any details on how one would go about creating a DataStoreSnapshot. The example uses a DefaultSnapshot for persisting the data in the DefaultSnapshot format directly in the JSON file.
There appears to be no documentation or examples of how one might create a DataStoreSnapshot from data from another database.
The Apple documentation for DefaultSnapshot provides no examples of how one might create such a snapshot from data retrieved elsewhere.
Can anyone provide a simple example of how one might create such a snapshot from a remote database such that it can be returned as part of the response to a fetch request.
For the purpose of this example let's assume I have a CSV file with rows of data and code to read the data from this file. How would I create a snapshot or snapshots for each of the rows of data.
I have suddenly started getting this error when trying to compile an app that has been compiling fine for days under Xcode 16.
I have tried deleting the derived data folder and cleaning the project build folder, restarting Xcode but all to no avail.
Any other suggestions - perhaps I need to log a bug report with Apple ?!
I am trying to generate a PDF file with certain components draw with Spot Colours. Spot colours are used for printing and I am not clear on how one would do that but I think that if I can create a custom ColorSpace with a specific name or a color that has a specific name - our printer looks for the name Spot1 and they use the colour green.
Can anyone shed any light on how I might be able to do this. For reference I have attached two pdf files with two different spot colours in them.
I need to be able to create similar using CGContext and CGPDFDocument. I can already generate the PDF documents using CMYK colors but don't know how I can create the equivalent "spot" colors.
At the moment I am loading the page from these attached pdf files and scaling them to fill the page to get a background with the spot color. This works fine but I also need to generate text and lines using this same spot color and I am not clear how I could do that using the Core Graphics APIs.
My guess is I need to create a custom ColorSpace with a single color and then use that color for drawing with.
The only 'custom' option for creating a ColorSpace seems to be the CGColorSpace(propertyListPList:) constructor, however there does not appear to be any documentation on what needs to be in the property list to do so. Nor can I find any examples of that.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
I am trying to create a custom CGColorSpace in Swift on macOS but am not sure I really understand the concepts.
I want to use a custom color space called Spot1 and if I extract the spot color from a PDF I get the following:
"ColorSpace<Dictionary>" = {
"Cs2<Array>" = (
"BitsPerSample<Integer>" = 8;
"Domain<Array>" = (
"Filter<Name>" = FlateDecode;
"FunctionType<Integer>" = 0;
"Length<Integer>" = 526;
"Range<Array>" = (
"Size<Array>" = (
How can I create this same color space using the CGColorSpace(propertyListPlist: CFPropertyList) API
func createSpot1() -> CGColorSpace? {
let dict0 : NSDictionary = [
"BitsPerSample": 8,
"Domain" : [0,1],
"Filter" : "FlateDecode",
"FunctionType" : 0,
"Length" : 526,
"Range" : [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],
"Size" : [1024]]
let dict : NSDictionary = [
"Cs2" : ["Separation","Spot1", "DeviceCMYK", dict0]
let space = CGColorSpace(propertyListPlist: dict as CFPropertyList)
if space == nil {
DebugLog("Spot1 color space is nil!")
return space
Does anyone know if it is possible to get Core Location data on a MacBook from an iPhone ?
So either by using a Bluetooth connection between the MacBook and iPhone or using a USB/Lightning cable or a Wifi hotspot.
Note that the phone will only have a GPS signal - no wifi or mobile network.
I am trying to use a C++ library (Sony Remote SDK) in a macOS project and I have successfully created an Objective-C test project but when I tried to create a SwiftUI version of the same project I get a compiler error complaining that the #include <atomic> file is not found.
This line is in one of the C++ header files and I have a wrapper Objective-C++ object which imports the C++ header file.
How can I fix this issue ?
Any reason the .toolbar modifier doesn't work in macOS 11 beta? Is there some global setting required in the app to enable this as no toolbar is being shown at all.
I guess Apple won't respond to this but does anyone know what the timeline might be for Apple to provide support for the Sony Alpha RAW files.
Or what is the typical timeframe to release an update to provide this support ?
I am trying to create a TextView to use with SwiftUI and have use the code shown below to create the TextView.
This all seems to work fine except that the TextView retains the binding to the first object for all the updates.
For example if the TextView is used I a Master Detail arrangement then it will always update the first object that was selected. It seems the binding does not update to subsequent objects.
I have created a small sample application you can test out here. Run the app and select one of the objects in the left panel list and then try editing the textView and the textField. The text fields work as expected but the textView does not.
import SwiftUI
// OSTextView is a subclass of NSTextView - but just use NSTextView if required
#if !os(macOS)
struct TextView: UIViewRepresentable {
@Binding var attributedText: NSAttributedString
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> OSTextView {
let textView = OSTextView()
textView.delegate = context.coordinator
return textView
func updateUIView(_ uiView: OSTextView, context: Context) {
uiView.attributedText = attributedText
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
class Coordinator: NSObject, UITextViewDelegate {
var text: Binding<NSAttributedString>
init(_ text: Binding<NSAttributedString>) {
self.text = text
func textViewDidChange(_ textView: UITextView) {
self.text.wrappedValue = textView.attributedText
#if os(macOS)
struct TextView: NSViewRepresentable {
@Binding var attributedText: NSAttributedString
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> OSTextView {
let textView = OSTextView(frame: .zero)
textView.delegate = context.coordinator
return textView
func updateNSView(_ nsView: OSTextView, context: Context) {
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
return Coordinator($attributedText)
class Coordinator: NSObject, NSTextViewDelegate {
var text: Binding<NSAttributedString>
init(_ text: Binding<NSAttributedString>) {
self.text = text
func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
if let textView = notification.object as? NSTextView {
self.text.wrappedValue = textView.attributedString()
Why is NSAlert.runModal() crashing when called from within the Task.init { } block ?
Is this a bug. I can upload a sample program if required.
@IBAction func start(_ sender: Any) {
isBusy = true
Task.init {
log("sync start")
let (result, message) = await asyncObj.process(5, progress: progressCallback)
isBusy = false
log("sync end") // Reports as running in main thread
alert = self.dialogOK(question: "Some question", text: "Some thing else")
log("task end") // Reports as running in main thread
func dialogOK(question: String, text: String) -> NSAlert {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.messageText = question
alert.informativeText = text
alert.alertStyle = .warning
alert.addButton(withTitle: "OK")
return alert //.runModal() == .alertFirstButtonReturn
/// This process MUST run on a background thread - it cannot run on the main thread
/// So how do I force it to run on a background thread ?
func process(_ count: Int, progress: @escaping (Double)->Void) async -> (Bool, String) {
// Still on the main thread here ??
log("1 First part on the main thread ??")
let task = Task.detached { () -> (Bool, String) in
//Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
log("2 Run a loop in the background")
log(" Thread: \(Thread.isMainThread ? "UI" : "BG")")
var cnt = 0
for i in 0..<count {
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.025)// sleep(seconds: 0.1)
log(" i: \(i)")
cnt += 1
progress (Double(cnt)/Double(count)*100)
log(" >>>>")
return (true, "Background task Done")
let result = await task.value
log("2 First part on the main thread ??")
return result
Is it possible to change the drag and drop preview image. I am currently using the following code but the imagePreviewHandler never gets called and the image is always just a rendering of the visible portion of the gridView
.drag(if: isDraggable, data: {
return self.dragData()
func dragData()-NSItemProvider{
let itemProvider = NSItemProvider(object: fileService )
itemProvider.previewImageHandler = { (handler, _, _) - Void in
os_log("previewImageHandler called")
if let image = NSImage(named: "film") {
handler?(image as NSSecureCoding?, nil)
} else {
let error = NSError(domain:"", code:001, userInfo:[ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Unable to create preview image"])
handler?(nil, error)
return itemProvider
struct Draggable: ViewModifier {
let condition: Bool
let data: () - NSItemProvider
func body(content: Content) - some View {
if condition {
} else {
extension View {
public func drag(if condition: Bool, data: @escaping () - NSItemProvider) - some View {
self.modifier(Draggable(condition: condition, data: data))
I am trying to get an image drawn of a CALayer containing a number of sublayers positioned at specific points, but at the moment it does not honour the zPosition of the sublayers when I use CALayer.render(in ctx:). It works fine on screen but when rendering to PDF it seems to render them in the order they were created.
These sublayers that are positioned(x, y, angle) on the drawing layer.
One solution seems to be to override the render(in ctx:) method on the drawing layer, which seems to work except the rendering of the sublayers is in the incorrect position. They are all in the bottom left corner (0,0) and not rotated correctly. }
If I don't override this method then they are positioned correctly but just in the wrong zPosition - i.e. ones that should be at the bottom (zPosition-0) are at the top.
What am I missing here ? It seems I need to position the sublayers correctly somehow in the render(incts:) function?
How do I do this ? These sublayers have already been positioned on screen and all I am trying to do is generate an image of the drawing. This is done using the following function. }