




Connecting Swift Code with MySQL
Hi All, My Spring Greetings I have an existing database up and running on local MS SQL server, and I want to be able to communicate and interact with that database from Xcode. I am writing an application for OS X in Swift, and the data that the application should use, is stored in that remote database.  The problem is, I can't seem to find any Swift library that could connect to the MS SQL server based database. So far, I have only found this open-source library: SQLClient in Objective-C, but it's quite difficult to have it set, especially as I am not familiar with the Objective-C. Also, I keep seeing this Core-Data library being mentioned anytime there is some communication with the database, but as far as I understand Core-Data doesn't know how to connect to the MS SQL database. Does anyone have any experience in connecting the Xcode Swift app to the remote MS SQL database? How should one do this? Any kind of advice is more than welcome, because right now I am kind of stuck with this problem.
Mar ’23
Control-Drag of Button to ViewController generates error
I am a new learner and following the Book "Develop in Swift Fundamentals for Xcode 11, in a step by step fashion. The first app "Hello World" is fine, but when I add a Button and try to "Control-Drag" to View Controller in Assistant Editor, it generate an error. "Could not insert new action connection: No @implementation found for the Class UIView Controller". I am using Xcode 11.5 on a MacBook Pro (mid-2012) running Mac OS Catalina (10.15.7) Can someone help me. Perhaps the Book Material is not compatible with my setup. What should I do?
Jan ’22
Unable to build my first app and view it on my iPhone 7 Plus
I am a new learner and trying to build my first app is I learned from "Develop in Swift Fundamentals with Xcode 11. I have installed Xcode 11.5 on MacBook Pro (mid-2012), running macOS 10.15.7. I tried to build first app "GettingStarted" that builds successfully but shows the error message as below. "FailedToConnectToDTServiceHubError: Cannot connect to Dr. Farooq Try disconnecting and reconnecting the device. Dr. Farooq" I tried with Xcode 11.7 first but got the same message, then I installed Xcode 11.5, but still I am getting the same error. Can someone help me on this issue, although small for the experts.
Jan ’22