Save the time when your app resigns active, and then when your app become active again use that time to calculate the new time
I'm having same issue. I'm using macOS Catalina, Xcode 12 beta.
Can you share your code. UIScreen.main.bounds seems to work fine for me
Yes you can. Everything you need to do is coping the folder name 14.0 from
and paste it to
then plug your real device (running iOS 14) in and run it
There are a bunch of water drink reminder on the AppStore. You can download one and use it
The code you provided is not clear enough. Can you tell us how do you present your sign up screen?
Which line of code gives you the error? I'm pretty sure that this error is likely because of json parsing failure
Did you try UIImagePickerController.InfoKey.imageURL?
After creating your App Clip target, you can still add Objective-C file to your App Clip target. So you can use Objective-C in your code
It depends on what your app does, how big your app is,... Anw, you can start with MVC and then try to migrate MVC to MVVM or VIPER. Good luck!
There is no way to use SwiftUI with iOS 9. You have to set the min deployment target to iOS 13. With adoption rate of iOS 13 is now 81%, it's time to say good bye to iOS 9
You need a custom UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning, use it to create a custom animation for push
You can use URLSession to download the video and store it on the user device using FileManager
I'm having the same issue building with Xcode 16 RC on my local. Already tried a few times but still get the automatic rejection message from App Store Connect