




Push to talk block Audio session
I'm facing an issue where I can't play an audio file stored in my project after receiving a push-to-talk notification. Strangely, I'm able to play the audio file by tapping on a button before receiving the push notification, but it doesn't work afterward without any error messages. I've ensured that I've set up everything correctly in my project's capabilities. Any insights on what might be causing this issue would be greatly appreciated. I set everything in capabilities Set permission in .plist Request permission in app delegate I make connection to the room when app becomes active and received succes Then I setup .halfDuplex for this channel In restoredChannelUUID I activate AVAudioSession After sending the ppt push, I parse speaker and make it activeRemoteParticipant. I see than delegate function channelManager didActivate works good Where I tried to play audio from my player I see this prints in console, but no sound play
Mar ’24
Sign in with Apple
Hello, Our team would like to use Sing in with Apple feature in the app. We faced an interesting situation. When a user deletes an account in the app and trying to Sign in with Apple again he/she gets an error. Details: In registration with Apple we can get: fullName, email, identityToken. In a login with Apple we can get only: identityToken. Problem: When the user taps on the Sign in with Apple again we can only get identityToken and pass it to Backend. When identityToken is passing to wp-json/mobile-api/user/login request Backend assess this procedure as login. And since this user's account in the app has been deleted he/she gets an error. Is there any suggested route with the help of an API or other method to disassociate a user’s Apple account with the app on a developer’s side?
Aug ’20