




Writing to Production using an app not on TestFlight / AppStore
Is this possible? Here's what I'm trying: I'm making an app that reads from a CloudKit database. That's working fine. I made a second "admin" type app to update the database. But, of course, I don't intend to release the admin app to the public. So it was all working fine while testing in the development environment, but now that my public app is in TestFlight, and I have updated the necessary stuff that should allow me to write to production, but every attempt successfully writes to development, not production. I'm wondering if I submitted my admin app to TestFlight if it would work then. But that doesn't seem like a long term solution, since I think I would have to re-upload every 90 days... just doesn't seem ideal or correct. Do I HAVE to write the admin functionality in to the public app and hide it? What are better ways I could write to production other than manually through the console? Thanks everyone!