




Strong password suggestion does not work on some test devices and slows down one
I have recently implemented the strong password suggestion by using a textfield in the vc with textField.textContentType = .newPassword. a) It works fine on most of my test devices, but does not suggest a password on a few. b) There is one device (iPhone 8, iOS 14.0) that does indeed suggest a password, but shows the keyboard so slow that it appears like a bug (keyboard appears with grey background only for several seconds), only then changes to the keyboard later. When using the strong password (and I assume therefore saving it) the device / actions still are dragging on. It's not so bad that the password is not suggested on a few, but I still would be interested what the difference is to the working ones. I can't release the app though with the second issue where the phone slows down. I am very thankful for any suggestion on how to further test and proceed with this.
Nov ’20