Still not fixed in 18.3.1
Running into similar issue here. Adding error from console so other devs can find this when searching.
SwiftData/Schema.swift:305: Fatal error: KeyPath \Caliber.<computed 0x000000010273b228 (Manufacturer)>.<computed 0x000000010273b230 (String)> points to a field (<computed 0x000000010273b228 (Manufacturer)>) that is unknown to Caliber and cannot be used.
From my investigation sort descriptor pointing to a relationship on a model is to blame (doesn't have to be @Query property wrapper, also used in FetchDescriptor crashes).
Possible workaround - copy property from relationship to model and sort by it.
User should be able to filter CaliberData by specifying size range.
#Predicate {
caliberData in
caliberData.sizeHeights.contains {
sizeObject in >= minSizeHeight && <= maxSizeHeight
You are right, that Float is actual size value, but had to wrap it into a custom class as a workaround due to some SwiftData limitation regarding using filtering predicates on value (or relationships (or both)).
So using the actual value as 'id' to make it conform to needed Identifiable protocol made sense to save some space.
As a workaround until better solution is found this works:
import Foundation
import SwiftData
class CaliberData: Identifiable {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var sizeHeights: [SizeObject]
@Transient var sizeHeightsCopy: [SizeObject] // <-here
var featuresABCDIds: [Int]
id: UUID,
sizeHeights: [SizeObject],
featuresABCDIds: [Int],
) { = id
self.sizeHeights = sizeHeights
self.featuresABCDIds = featuresABCDIds
sizeHeightsCopy = sizeHeights // <-here
extension CaliberData: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: CaliberData, rhs: CaliberData) -> Bool {
lhs.featuresABCDIds == rhs.featuresABCDIds
&& lhs.sizeHeightsCopy == rhs.sizeHeightsCopy // <-here
Still having issue in release :(
Was filed as FB14397250
Shows "Feedback not found"
if you use collections of value types, e.g. [String], SwiftData will save that directly inside a single property too. Right now it’s encoded as binary property list data, which means you can’t use the contents of your array in a predicate.