




Reply to Minimum age error
Hey guys, I recently got around to calling the Apple support, also concerning other issues with the age restrictions like apple wallet etc. Long story short: it‘s part of the developer branch of apple with a different support and although documentation and app say the age restriction is 13, it‘s actually 16 (this also applies to an apple developer ID for instance. For apple wallet the minimum age is 18, although the organizor of the family can share a card with you and set limits etc. e.g. He/She adds your card and you can use it, doesn‘t work for me for some reason though :( ). It took some digging on the support front, but the minimum age for TestFlight and a developer ID is 16 for germany, austria and spain for sure. In america it‘s 13 and the rest of the countries I don‘t know. It’s just a front-end thing. All the best to everyone having the same issue -dehrens
Jan ’22
Reply to TestFlight says minimum age is 13 and doesn‘t let me enter althoug I‘m 14.
Hey guys, I recently got around to calling the Apple support, also concerning other issues with the age restrictions like apple wallet etc. Long story short: it‘s part of the developer branch of apple with a different support and although documentation and app say the age restriction is 13, it‘s actually 16 (this also applies to an apple developer ID for instance. For apple wallet the minimum age is 18, although the organizor of the family can share a card with you and set limits etc. e.g. He/She adds your card and you can use it, doesn‘t work for me for some reason though :( ). It took some digging on the support front, but the minimum age for TestFlight and a developer ID is 16 for germany, austria and spain for sure. In america it‘s 13 and the rest of the countries I don‘t know. It’s just a front-end thing. All the best to everyone having the same issue -dehrens
Jan ’22
Reply to TestFlight says minimum age is 13 and doesn‘t let me enter althoug I‘m 14.
Hey guys, I recently got around to calling the Apple support, also concerning other issues with the age restrictions like apple wallet etc. Long story short: it‘s part of the developer branch of apple with a different support and although documentation and app say the age restriction is 13, it‘s actually 16 (this also applies to an apple developer ID for instance. For apple wallet the minimum age is 18, although the organizor of the family can share a card with you and set limits etc. e.g. He/She adds your card and you can use it, doesn‘t work for me for some reason though :( ). It took some digging on the support front, but the minimum age for TestFlight and a developer ID is 16 for germany, austria and spain for sure. In america it‘s 13 and the rest of the countries I don‘t know. It’s just a front-end thing. All the best to everyone having the same issue -dehrens
Jan ’22