




iOS18: UITabBarController.selectedViewController with UINavigationController
In a UITabBarController, its controllers are set to be UINavigationControllers. When programmatically setting the selectedViewController to a desired controller which is not currently displayed, the selected icon is correct however the actual view controller is still the previously selected. Pseudo code: tabController.controllers = [viewcontroller1, viewcontroller2, viewcontroller3].map{ UINavigationController(rootViewController: $0) } .... // let's say at some point tab bar is set to e.g. showing index 1 tabController.selectedController = tabController.controllers[0] // after this the icon of the 1st tab is correctly displayed, but the controller is still the one at index 1 I have noticed that if the controllers are simple UIViewController (not UINavigationController) upon setting the selectedViewController the TabController sets both icon and content correctly. But this is not the wanted setup and different UINavigationControllers are needed. Is this a new bug in iOS18? Any idea how to fix this (mis)behaviour?
Nov ’24
Invalid APNs certificate
Hi, I am in a situation where I am not able to find a solution and I would appreciate a lot if someone could help. The APNs certificate of an app of ours is about to expire and, in the same way I have done in the past years (I am not new to this), I have created a new APNs certificate from by executing the usual steps as everyone should be familiar with. - Unfortunately the generated certificate is said to be BadCertificate when for example using openssl as per these steps. - The puzzling part is that when I execute the exact same steps for another app of the same team the generated APNs certificate is valid. Other team members have tried to generate an APNs certificate for the same culprit app and the result has been always an invalid certificate. One thing we have noticed is that, when checking the Info of the generated certificate in Keychain access, it can be seen duplicated information in the extension section. So the following data is mentioned twice: appbundleid appbundleid.voip appbundleid.complication I have contacted also the developer technical support but I haven't received any help by far. Few months ago we changed the company name, but I don't think that could be an issue and anyway I don't know how differently the APNs cert generation could be Does anyone have any hints or help to give? Thanks.
May ’21