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I am trying to sample a texture inside a Metal vertex shader. Receiving the following error: "AGX: AGX: Texture read/write assertion failed: depth > 0" Setup for rendering: ` MTLSamplerDescriptor *samplerDesc = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new]; samplerDesc.normalizedCoordinates = YES; samplerDesc.rAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge; samplerDesc.sAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge; samplerDesc.tAddressMode = MTLSamplerAddressModeClampToEdge; samplerDesc.minFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest; samplerDesc.magFilter = MTLSamplerMinMagFilterNearest; samplerDesc.mipFilter = MTLSamplerMipFilterNotMipmapped; id ss = [device newSamplerStateWithDescriptor:samplerDesc]; [ commandEncoder setVertexSamplerState : ss atIndex : 0 ]; [ commandEncoder setVertexTexture : l_Texture_Height_Field atIndex : CTI_Gradient ]; Vertex` Shader: `vertex PVertex vertexShader_mkali ( uint vertexID [ [ vertex_id ] ], constant Vertex3D *vertexArray [ [ buffer ( CVI_Vertices ) ] ], constant vector_uint2 *viewportSizePointer [ [ buffer ( CVI_ViewportSize ) ] ], constant shader_Data_mkali &vertex_Shader_Data [ [ buffer ( CVI_ShaderData ) ] ], texture2d < float > heightTexture [ [ texture ( CTI_Gradient ) ] ], sampler smp [ [ sampler ( 0 ) ] ] ) { PVertex outVertex; float2 l_Point = vertexArray [ vertexID ].position.xy; l_Point.x = mkali_noxstep( -1.0, 1.0, l_Point.x ); l_Point.y = mkali_noxstep( -1.0, 1.0, l_Point.y ); float4 l_Texture_Heightfield = heightTexture.sample ( smp, l_Point ); outVertex.position = float4 ( vertexArray [ vertexID ].position + float3 ( l_Texture_Heightfield.x, 0.0, 0.0 ), 1.0 ); outVertex.color = float4 ( 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 ); outVertex.size = 30; return outVertex; }` Anybody have any ideas? thank you, Nikki
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How do I get the 3D transform of a layer from an Image Well parameter? matrix_float4x4 l_Transform_Mask_Texture; FxMatrix44 *l_Pixel_Transform_Temporary     = sourceImages [ ki_Mask ].pixelTransform; Matrix44Data *l_Pixel_Transform             = [ l_Pixel_Transform_Temporary  matrix ]; Always returns identity matrix. If I retrieve the pixelTransform on the destinationImage I get something but it must be relating to the tile and that layer's transform. Could use some help here. thank you, David Patrick Farmer
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I am trying to retrieve the layer transform of a layer put into a generator’s image well parameter.I setup like this: [ l_FxParameterCreationAPI_v5 addImageReferenceWithName : [l_Bundle localizedStringForKey: @"Source" value:NULL table:NULL] parameterID : k_Parameter_ID_Source_Texture parameterFlags : kFxParameterFlag_DEFAULT ];- ( BOOL ) properties : ( NSDictionary * _Nonnull * ) properties error : ( NSError * _Nullable * ) error{ *properties = @{ kFxPropertyKey_MayRemapTime : @NO, kFxPropertyKey_IsThreadSafe : @NO, kFxPropertyKey_UsesRationalTime : @YES, kFxPropertyKey_PixelTransformSupport : [ NSNumber numberWithInt : kFxPixelTransform_ScaleTranslate ], // kFxPixelTransform_Full ], kFxPropertyKey_VariesWhenParamsAreStatic : @YES, kFxPropertyKey_NeedsFullBuffer : @YES, kFxPropertyKey_ChangesOutputSize : @YES }; return YES;}- ( BOOL ) destinationImageRect : ( FxRect * ) m_Destination_Image_Rectangle sourceImages : ( NSArray &lt; FxImageTile * &gt; * ) m_Source_Images destinationImage : ( FxImageTile * ) m_Destination_Image pluginState : ( NSData * ) m_Plugin_State atTime : ( CMTime ) m_Render_Time error : ( NSError * _Nullable * ) m_Out_Error{ Matrix44Data* pt = [ m_Source_Images [ 0 ].pixelTransform matrix ]; NSLog( @"NECTAR . PT . 0x:%f 0y:%f 0z:%f 0w:%f", (*pt)[0][0], (*pt)[0][1], (*pt)[0][2], (*pt)[0][3] ); // ••• NSLog( @"NECTAR . PT . 1x:%f 1y:%f 1z:%f 1w:%f", (*pt)[1][0], (*pt)[1][1], (*pt)[1][2], (*pt)[1][3] ); // ••• NSLog( @"NECTAR . PT . 2x:%f 2y:%f 2z:%f 2w:%f", (*pt)[2][0], (*pt)[2][1], (*pt)[2][2], (*pt)[2][3] ); // ••• NSLog( @"NECTAR . PT . 3x:%f 3y:%f 3z:%f 3w:%f", (*pt)[3][0], (*pt)[3][1], (*pt)[3][2], (*pt)[3][3] ); // ••• return YES;}Result:PT . 0x:1.000000 0y:0.000000 0z:0.000000 0w:0.000000PT . 1x:0.000000 1y:1.000000 1z:0.000000 1w:0.000000PT . 2x:0.000000 2y:0.000000 2z:1.000000 2w:0.000000PT . 3x:0.000000 3y:0.000000 3z:0.000000 3w:1.000000 The source layer is rotated 90° so the following identity matrix does make sense? How do I retrieve the transform matrix of the source layer correctly?I tried in the render method as well with the same results.Thank you,David
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FxPlug 4 - How do I retrieve project dimensions when setting output size in a Filter?I want to set my filter output size to the size of the project ( possibly bigger ).If not, is there a way of retrieving child groups or layers of the current filter or generator?Thanks,David
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This has been nagging me for years ( long discussion with Darrin Cardini but unresolved ). If I create a Color Solid in Motion and set the values to 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 Motion and the fxplugs I am writing see those exact values - 0.25, 0.50, 0.75. If I create an fxplug filter and render a quad with the values 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 I get 0.286, 0.545, 0.779. This is as basic as I can make my example. I have tried using both kFxImageColorInfo_RGB_GAMMA_VIDEO and kFxImageColorInfo_RGB_LINEAR for kFxPropertyKey_DesiredProcessingColorInfo to no avail.This is obviously something simple I am doing or not doing. Any ideas folks? Can someone start me off Color Solid source? I need this to work as a filter and generator. But as of ten seconds ago I think generators may be treated differently ( will give it a go but still need it to work with filters ).Using for velocity fields and normal maps with FxPlug Filters.Can anyone help?thank you,David Patrick Farmer
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