FxPlug imagewell.pixelTransform always returns identity matrix

How do I get the 3D transform of a layer from an Image Well parameter?

matrix_float4x4 l_Transform_Mask_Texture;

FxMatrix44 *l_Pixel_Transform_Temporary     = sourceImages [ ki_Mask ].pixelTransform;

Matrix44Data *l_Pixel_Transform             = [ l_Pixel_Transform_Temporary  matrix ];

Always returns identity matrix.

If I retrieve the pixelTransform on the destinationImage I get something but it must be relating to the tile and that layer's transform.

Could use some help here.

thank you, David Patrick Farmer


There's currently no way to get the transform the user has applied to an image well parameter. If you'd like to see that functionality, please file a feedback request and describe how you think it should work and what you're trying to accomplish with it.

For reference, the pixel transform (and its inverse) is just describing how to convert points between the 2D area that contains the pixels in memory to the idealized, full-sized, square-pixel version of an image and back. This allows you to perform coordinate transforms safely without having to worry about fields, proxy resolution, non-square pixels, etc. It does not have any relation to the transform the user has applied to the layer.