FxPlug 4 How do I force a render in the active project?

FxPlug 4 How do I force a render in the active project?

Thank you, David Patrick Farmer


You can change a parameter value. Some developers will add a hidden checkbox they can toggle, or add a hidden integer parameter they can increment. It's probably better to use something like an integer parameter since a checkbox will end up being hashed to its previous values every time its toggled.

Normally, if you change any parameters at all, the host should notice the change and re-render. So the question is, what are you doing that isn't causing the host to notice something changed? Perhaps whatever is changing should be somehow tied into a custom parameter?

  • We tried exactly that using a hidden int slider that is incremented via FxPlug4's param action and get/set APIs. In our particular case this mechanism is triggered from the callback of another custom parameter. However, it seems that it doesn't work reliably at all. Sometimes FCPX will initiate a render pass, sometimes it won't and we still haven't figured out why.

    Did anyone run into a similar issue? This is related to the following thread: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/708894

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