




installing Monterey in separate APFS volume?
In past years I've had a spare Mac I could use but that Mac can't run Monterey so I'd like to install Monterey on a separate APFS volume on my M1 MacBook Pro. I've read the instructions here: but I want to be certain I don't causes issues with the Big Sur installation. Obviously after backing up, I use DiskUtility to create a new APFS Volume. If I download the macOSBetaDeveloperUtility.dmg and install it, then I think it will give me the option to update the OS (as that's what I did in the past, but it's not what I want to do this year). From screenshots here: I think it will allow me to choose where to install and I can choose the new APFS volume I made for the beta. Is that correct? And then after the installation, will the Big Sur volume work as before or will software update in it want to update to the Monterey beta instead of letting me do any Big Sur updates that come out this summer? And then at some point after the official Monterey release, I assume I can just delete the APFS volume I created for Monterey to test my apps and then update the Big Sur volume to the official version of Monterey? Are there any mistakes in my steps/plans? Thanks, Dave
Jun ’21
UUID usage in Demystify SwiftUI video
At about 33:30 of the Demystify SwiftUI video, it indicates the problem is the id isn't stable. Since it is a computed property, the UUID() function is called each time the property is accessed and a different value is returned. The simple fix is to instead use let id = UUID() isn't it or am I still misunderstanding the problem? Thanks, Dave
Jun ’21
Multi-window support and external screen
I have a whiteboard app that when connected to an external screen just shows the whiteboard portion of the screen instead of the entire app screen that includes the various pen tools, etc. When the notification for a second screen is received a second view controller that contains just a UIImage for displaying the whiteboard is created and then whenever the document is updated and a second screen is connected that UIImage is also updated (in addition to the main view on the actual iPad).I don't understand how to support this with the UIWindowSceneDelegate. I have the multi-window working but only the mirror image of the entire iPad image is shown on the second screen. I tried setting up a second SceneDelegate in the Info.plist file as shown below.<key>UIApplicationSceneManifest</key> <dict> <key>UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes</key> <true/> <key>UISceneConfigurations</key> <dict> <key>UIWindowSceneSessionRoleExternalDisplay</key> <array> <dict> <key>UISceneClassName</key> <string></string> <key>UISceneDelegateClassName</key> <string>External Display Configuration</string> <key>UISceneConfigurationName</key> <string>reDraw.ExternalSceneDelegate</string> <key>UISceneStoryboardFile</key> <string>ExternalScreen</string> </dict> </array> <key>UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication</key> <array> <dict> <key>UISceneConfigurationName</key> <string>Default Configuration</string> <key>UISceneDelegateClassName</key> <string>reDraw.SceneDelegate</string> <key>UISceneStoryboardFile</key> <string>MainDocumentBrowser</string> </dict> </array> </dict> </dict>But I can't figure out what to do differently for the external screen. The scene delegate for the main screen uses the UIDocumentBrowserViewController.presentDocument method to open the document.It doesn't make sense to me to open the document a second time for the external screen. Any help or pointers to code samples would be appreciated.
Feb ’20