What floating point numbers? If you're talking about, say 0.9, then that's 0.9 * 256 = 230.4, you round it down and store 230, which is E6.
Did you actually try my code, or just look at it and say it's essentially the same?
I'm not sure you're explaining yourself properly. Can you show us some code that exhibits the issue?
I cannot recommend this suggestion enough. AppIntents are a much better solution, and honestly should've been brought in years ago. Glomming widgets onto Siri Intents was so fragile and caused so many problems.
Hey, this is nothing to do with the Simulator...
Oh, how annoying. Well, glad you've fixed it.
How about wrapping showingShare = true in a Dispatch After call with a delay of, say, 3 seconds? It might then correctly show the sheet, which suggests it is a timing issue.
I was trying to help you out. I see you don't want that.
Reminder to put all your code inside the code block.
This would be easier to help you with if you added a minimum reproducible bit of code.
Shouldn't this
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.3) {self.dealsTable.scrollToRow(at: >>>>savedRowMainFave<<<<, at: .bottom, animated: false)
scroll to savedRowMainFave.row?
Then you've designed it incorrectly. Use adjustable font sizes and resizable images.
Hey, no drama. At least you have a valid use case. Most people just grumble that something isn't exactly how they want it.
You didn't mention "more complex circumstances", so I offered an opinion on the example you gave. I created a project with your code, made my adjustments, and didn't see the error.
Why would closing a popover automatically set the sheet's State var to false? It's a separate control, and that's what was causing your error. Closing a popover will set the popover State var to false, but not a separate control which just happens to be open and true at the time the popover was opened.
It won't happen because it would have to be hardware-based. You can't just put something on a screen and expect it to know how much that thing weighs without there being some hardware that can detect the weight of the item. Apple won't add that hardware for such use cases. It would be too expensive, and not many people would use it (well, drug dealers might).
Any chance information like this could be added to the Developer Documentation?
"private should not be used in file level"
Yes, it should. It's private in that scope in that file.
You need to try fileprivate and private in two different source files.