I am getting this error this morning actually.
Can you share your payload?
Pretty please?
I am having problems creating a certificate (pass type certificate actually)... I keep getting a "code":"NOT_FOUND" message... so I must be missing something.
I was getting that error too initially - but realized it was my JWT creation/signing.
Are you sure you're creating your JWT correctly?
Either that or one of the values that go along with it (like issuerID or the keyid for example) is incorrect.
Well you got one step further than I have. ;P
Can you share an example of your payload ?
I am trying to create a passid cert and am getting a "code":"NOT_FOUND" along with some other errors
I am having issues this this topic as well.
Not only am I having troubles just creating the certificate... but I can't see how to assign an ID or display name to it.
It would also be nice for th API to allow for the creation of the Pass IDs... maybe in the future.
I've been working on this for 2 days. This is the first time I saw a post confirming that this is not supported by the API.
Well I hope it comes soon.
The "csrContent" in the certificate downloaded is null. I would not be surprised if this was the culprit... but I am at a loss as to how to download the certificate as is, inject the CSR and then use it all in code. (Im writing c# server code by the way in case it matters).
Of course - that's assuming this csrContent is the culprit.