




How to publish new dating app?
Hello, I've developed a dating app and published it on Google Play Store without any problem. I tried to publish it on Apple App Store. But it was rejected because of Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam reason. I changed some design elements, added some new features and tried to publish it to Test Flight, so my friends with iPhone can test and send feedback to me. But my app was rejected again on Test Flight too with same reason. I guess all new dating apps are being rejected with Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam reason. I saw a lot of posts about dating apps rejected with same reason. In fact dating app that I developed is for a small group of people and there are (as far as I count) only 5 more dating apps in App Store for same small group of people. My dating app would be the 6th of them, if it was published. I think 6 apps for same group of people should not be too much. So my question is what should I do next? What should I do to be able to pass Guideline 4.3 - Design - Spam and publish this app at App Store? For example should I wait for success of android version of this app. If many users are regularly using this app on android and many iOS users give me feedback as they want an iOS version of this app, and if I present these requests to apple review team, is that help to be published on App Store? Thanks for reply.
Jul ’22