I am working on a Help Book for my MacOS project.
here is the header for one topic:
titleElderly & Infirm Rota Help - Managing Elders/title
meta name="robots" content="index, anchors" /
meta name="description" content="Managing Elders" /
link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" media="all" /
As you can see, the topic has the title Elderly & Infirm Rota Help - Managing Elders.
Yet, when I try to search I see:
This is not right.
How do I correct this?
I read the official docs and it says not to use keywords that are actually in the topic. In my case that means I do not need a keywords meta tag.
Yet many of my search terms are not providing me with output.
I tried to put all my classes into a styles.css file and link the file using standard HTML but no styling displayed.
When I put the classes in the HTMl directly the styling worked.
Should I be able to link stylesheets in macOS HelpViewer .help books?
PS. Why can't we add tags here in the forum? The ones presented are quite limited.
I ask because I did three things since my colleague last tried my app:
I added the help system (which works at my end)
added support to change Mac appearance.
upgraded visual studio for mac
he can install the package file but when he runs my app it just flashes in the taskbar at the bottom.
When I gave my installer to my colleague I had to add their uuid code into my developer account.
but surely, if I put my pkg on my website I can’t expect anyone who downloads it to give me their uuid.
I want to u deerstalker d this right. Under what scenario do I need a uuid some someone for them to run my app?
And if I put my signed, notarised app on my website is it going to work as is without giving me uuid?
I have been working on a simple Help Bundle Book for my first macOS project.
I included a screen shot of my main window and I had to scale it down by 75% to get it to fit in the Help Viewer application.
Are there any directions on an ideal width for images that we use in the help topics? Or at-least the max width we should use?
I run the standard command line to notarise a package. Eg:
xcrun altool --notarize-app -primary-bundle-id "xxxxx"
--username "yyyyy" -password "@keychain:AC_PASSWORD"
--file fffff.pkg
It always works but I keep getting a warning:
CFURLRequestSetHTTPCookieStorageAcceptPolicy_block_invoke: no longer implemented and should not be called
What does this mean?
Installing on a macOS is all new to me. I have now learned about:
Signing with Developer ID
I performed the above on a PKG file that came out of my Visual Studio for Mac build process.
I am aware of the following types of files:
Filename.app (the application itself)
Filename.pkg (the installer I tried to use)
Filename.dmg (an archive created from Visual Studio)
I am getting slightly confused. My macOS tester said that when he tried to "install" the PKG file (which was in his Download folder) that it ended up installed in the same downloads folder. This is not what I wanted. I was hoping it would end up where the rest of the applications get installed.
What extra steps must I check here to fix this issue?
Thank you.
Can I please ask if I have now got this right?
I have built my app with Debug mode in Visual Studio for Mac and I have used my Developer ID profile for signing.
I have added to this profile my colleagues device info.
Is that enough for him to be able to run the app? I ask because previously it would not run on his machine.
I am trying to use the Xamarin.Essentials FilePicker to let the user select a CSS file. My code:
var customFileType =
new FilePickerFileType(new DictionaryDevicePlatform, IEnumerablestring
{DevicePlatform.macOS, new[] {"css"} }
var pickResult = await FilePicker.PickAsync(new PickOptions
FileTypes = customFileType,
PickerTitle = "Select stylesheet to install"
The above works fine when I build for MacOS platform. I am also trying to add a entry there for DevicePlatform.iOS but I do not know the string to pass for a CSS file or it's UTType. I found one for HTML but not CSS.
I am essentially new to XCode Interface Builder.
I have placed a Tab View onto my View Control and I want it to take the full size of the View Control so that when I resize the window the Tab control will also resize.
At the moment it is just stuck as a small rectangle in the middle of the View.
I am using latest XCode.