




ModelEntity with skeletal pose is missing pins
Starting with Xcode Beta 4+, any ModelEntity I load from usdz that contain a skeletal pose has no pins. The pins used to be accessible from a ModelEntity so you could use alignment with other pins. Per the documentation, any ModelEntity with a skeletal pose should have pins that are automatically generated and contained on the entity.pins object itself. Is this a bug with the later Xcode betas or is the documentation wrong?
Aug ’24
Unable to create PhysicsJoint using Entity's Geometric Pin
Hello, I'm trying to attach one entity to another entity via the new PhysicsFixedJoint. I have a usdz that contains a skeletal pose which expose the joints as pins as desired. However the when I access the pin, it is returning a GeometricPin, instead of an EntityGeometricPin as you would expect. I can't use the returned GeometricPin to create the joint. Am I missing something? Shouldn't access the Entity's pins object return EntityGeometricPins instead of GeometricPin? Here is the code sample: var body: some View { RealityView { content in if let scene = try? await Entity(named: "Scene", in: untitledBundle) { content.add(scene) let attack = try! Entity.load(named: "Attack01_SingleSword") let anchor = scene.findEntity(named: "Root") anchor?.addChild(attack) let sword = try! Entity.load(named: "OHS08_Sword") anchor?.addChild(sword) if let swordEntity = findModelComponentEntity(entity: sword) { let swordPin = swordEntity.pins.set( named: "test", position: SIMD3<Float>.zero ) if let attackEntity = findModelComponentEntity(entity: attack) { let attackPin = attackEntity.pins["root/pelvis/spine_01/spine_02/spine_03/clavicle_r/upperarm_r/lowerarm_r/hand_r/weapon_r"]! // This is returning GeomtricPin instead of the EntityGeometricPin that the "pins" object contains let joint = PhysicsFixedJoint( pin0: swordPin, pin1: attackPin // This is a compile error since it is not an EntityGeometricPin type ) try! joint.addToSimulation() } } } } }
Jun ’24
Collision shapes for primitive shapes don't account for scale
Hello, I'm scaling a primitive cube to create a collision in RealityKit on iOS via Reality Composer Pro. However, when I export it as a usdz and then call generateCollisionShapes(recursive: true) it is ignoring the scaling I have set for the object. It appears like it ignores the non-uniform scaling I'm using and just creates a big cube collision in a scaled up version proportionally. I have tried to use bounding boxes, etc, to create my own collision ShapeResource but it consistently has this problem. If I take Reality Composer Pro out of the equation, it still has the same issue when adding a collision to a primitive cube. Is this a bug in RealityKit collision scaling?
Jul ’23