




Reply to App Privacy Questions Requirement and AdMob
I think Google Admob's document is not clear enough and leaves many questions unanswered. I don't want the ad providers track my users, but I have no idea how can I achieve this, or whether it is possible or not, with Admob. Their documentation is not clear enough. I am a solo developer, and I don't have lawyers to ask questions. Considering that all legal responsibility of collecting data from users is on my shoulders I need simple and clear answers.
Dec ’20
Reply to Import localizations error: "Two files will try to write translations to same path"
I have investigated this problem a little further. I exported using the "Product > Export Localizations... > MyApp Workspace..." option, then imported the xcloc file to the project without any touch. I got the same error. I exported using the "Product > Export Localizations... > MyApp..." option, then imported the xcloc file to the project without any touch. This time I didn't get the error above, instead, I got a warning window, full of "Empty Translations" and "Over-Localized Do not Translate" warnings. Strangely, these warning are mostly about the "note" lines of the translations, that are written between /* and */ tags. These lines are coming from comment strings in the example code below: NSLocalizedString("Hello!", comment: "Greeting in the welcome screen") You aren't supposed to translate "Greeting in the welcome screen" here, but Xcode gives "Empty Translations" warnings about them. I wonder why.
May ’22
Reply to How long does it take to review app with auto-renewable subscription in 2019?
It is 2022. I am introducing auto-renewing subscriptions. My app has been approved but my subscriptions are still "In Review". It's been nearly 48 hours. Still waiting... I have a not-fully-functional app on the App Store for the first time because of this delay. I had submitted my subscriptions before I submitted the app but they wanted me to submit them together. And this is the outcome.
Jun ’22