




Slow photo transfer on iPadOS
I used to be able to very quickly transfer a large number (50 plus) of RAW photos (24mb each) using the Apple SD card reader to USB-C transfer to my 12.9" iPad 2018 (3rd gen.) when it ran the ORIGINAL iPadOS but with the subsequent beta updates all the way through to today's 13.5 that process now takes so long I don't even bother doing it anymore. What has changed in iPadOS that made what used to be a very fast transfer process into a too slow useless process? I used to review photos before leaving a location to make sure I got what I wanted but now I don't even bother taking my iPad with me anymore.
May ’20
When will iPad open a RAW image?
We're on beta 4 and I still can't open a RAW photo file on my iPad 12.9" 2018 model that my iPhone 7 Plus can open running IOS 12.3.1. I can see a RAW photo in iPad apps like Amazon Photos and Lightroom but not if the file is on the iPad itself or on an attached SSD drive. The iPad will view RAW files perfectly if it's coming into the Photos app via an SD card reader transfer but not from an attached drive or a cloud service like OneDrive.
Jul ’19
iPadOS still has attached drive problems
I have the late 2018 12.9" iPad Pro (USB-C) and have supposedly one of the best SSD's (Samsung 500gb T5) to attach to the iPad, It pops up quickly in the Files folder on the iPad and works extremely well. However if I have a folder on the SSD with maybe 1,000 photos (most are 24mb RAW files) in that folder it will NOT open on the iPad. It tries and eventually just stops trying and will not open the folder. I also tried moving (copying) the entire unopened folder to the iPad with no luck.I imagine if I modified my photo folders to smaller quantities of photos in each it might work but my MaBook Pro has no such difficulty opening and displaying the photos even if there are 2,000 - 3,000 photos in a folder. This is a serious impediment to any future plans I might have in substituting an iPad Pro for a MacBook Pro.
Jul ’19
Pencil battery notification not working
I do not see the battery pop-up on the iPad OS when I attach my Pencil to the side of my iPad Pro. This always worked with IOS but it hasn't worked with iPad OS beta 1 or 2. I watched a YouTube video today from someone who had iPad OS on his iPad and everytime he put the Pencil in place, the pop-up appeared. I've restarted my iPad a few times and it never works.
Jul ’19
Deleted Exchange email missing
I was looking for an email I had previously deleted from my inbox and expected to find it in the Exchange Trash folder on the Mac Email app and found that all emails I had deleted but should still be in the Trash folder are missing as of 6/14/19. My settings have ALWAYS been on NEVER delete but although that setting is offered as an option within the preferences within 20 seconds of clicking on NEVER the system changes it to one month. No matter how often I click NEVER it will not hold that setting. I'm going to have to go back to High Sierra since Catalina is permanently deleting emails and they are NOT available in any other Outlook application, whether it's on an iPhone, an Android phone or a Windows 10 computer....the messages are GONE!!Mike Moore
Jun ’19