




Reply to macOS Monterey Xcode Update Questions (New Warnings)
The proposed solution of unchecking the column selection checkbox in IB attributes for the tableview does not solve it here ( macOS 12.4, Xcode 13.4.1 ). Maybe I'm too trusting but Xcode knows the column selection attribute is for a view-based tableview, so it could disable the Column checkbox to prevent the selection if it is truly not supported. The warning ( and whatever the underlying cause is ) has no visible impact on my app. Other workarounds and thoughts welcome ( TIA )!
Jun ’22
Reply to Xcode 12.2 - "Any Mac ( Apple Silicon, Intel)" not available when opening existing Mac project
Found the problem with "Any Mac (Apple Silicon, Intel)" popup not showing correctly. Went into Build Settings for the Target and did a search on VALID ARCHS. It might be inside a section labeled "User Defined". After deleting that User Defined section ( VALID ARCHS was the only entry in it ) the popup was restored to the correct content and the project builds as universal. Thanks to all who provided feedback. Thanks to the SO post - for the hint
Nov ’20
Reply to Xcode 12.2
I'm running the just-released Xcode 12.2 (12B45b) on macOS 10.15.7. When I open an existing Mac project ( just a standard AppKit, Foundation app, nothing extra - Objective-C with nib ) it does NOT offer "Any Mac ( Apple Silicon, Intel)". Instead it offers "Any Mac (Intel)". Curiously, if I start a new Mac project it offers the Apple Silicon option and builds a universal app. I'm using Architecture ( in Build Settings ) of "Standard Architectures" and Base SDK set to "macOS" ( which is the only option show ). Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks, Brian
Nov ’20