




Reply to CoreML 6 beta 2 - Failed to create CVPixelBufferPool
Did some extra checks. Training data, 2 classes, 16551 images (around 50KB/image), in jpeg. The exact error is: Failed to create CVPixelBufferPool. Width = 0, Height = 0, Format = 0x00000000 I validated all 16551 images using "jpeginfo", all files are OK. I did also try a mix of Augmentations to see if adding or removing any would make a difference. It did not. Finally, I tried switching back to the V1 Feature Extractor (Image Feature Print Vn). Now it runs just fine. So best bet is that the V2 Feature Extractor does something extra, and fails. In conclusion: At a bare minimum, Create ML should spit out which file(s) it considers corrupt, and hopefully why. Beyond that, nice enhancements would be the ability to ignore-corrupt-files-and-continue.
Nov ’24