




IBDesignables Error on Apple Silicon MBP ARM64
My actual project throws IBDesignable errors when using Interface builder on this machine.. i tried excluding arm64 architecture for debugging, as well as some other hints i found on the internet, but no success.. the project builds fine on simulators and on real devices as well. of course i could delete those IBDesignables and do the styling in the code side, but what if i want to use IBDesignables in the future? hope someone knows which flag to set to correct this error.. Error: "dlopen(, 1): no suitable image found. Did find mach-o, but wrong architecture"
Dec ’20
SwiftData inside Actor leads to memory leaks
i am developing a SwiftUI App, where i need to work with relatively large amounts of data sets. While processing these data i had some issues with my app crashing randomly. As i was debugging this situation for a while i found out that dataraces were the cause for these crashes. That is why i decided to use an actor for these things.. As the actor takes care of concurrent threads, i was not having any crashes anymore, BUT, now i have to deal with some memory leaks! i've created a simple demo project to reproduce these leaks. my view: struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext // @Query private var items: [Item] var body: some View { VStack { Button(action: { Task { await testImport() } }, label: { Text("Import") }) } } } the function: func testImport() async { let actorX = testActor(container: self.modelContext.container) await actorX.cleanUp() // create dummy data: var dummyArray: [Int] = [] for i in 0...1300 { dummyArray.append(i) } await actorX.saveAssets(with: dummyArray) dummyArray = [] print("Checkpoint") } the actor: actor testActor { public var modelContainer: ModelContainer public var modelExecutor: any ModelExecutor private var context: ModelContext { modelExecutor.modelContext } public init(container: ModelContainer) { self.modelContainer = container let context = ModelContext(modelContainer) modelExecutor = DefaultSerialModelExecutor(modelContext: context) } func cleanUp() { print("starting cleanup...") do { try context.delete(model: Item.self) print("cleanup: table LocalAsset truncated") } catch { print("Failed to clear all LocalAsset data.") } } func saveAssets(with array: [Int]) { for i in 0..<array.count { let foo = array[i] let newItem = Item(timestamp: Date(), dummyInt: foo) context.insert(newItem) } try? } } And Here's a screenshot of Xcode's Instruments Leak tool: i hope somebody has any idea how to get rid of those leaks..
Mar ’24