App Clips
Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14.4 Beta In addition to using Code Scanner, you can now launch a local experience via Camera, NFC, Safari Smart App Banner, or iMessage. (68962905) Local Experience instructions:
App Clips
Resolved in iOS & iPadOS 14.4 Beta In addition to using Code Scanner, you can now launch a local experience via Camera, NFC, Safari Smart App Banner, or iMessage. (68962905)
Definitely not as seamless UX wise, but I found a workaround.
Right now I am using the .continueInApp response code in my extension
completion(MyIntentResponse(code: .continueInApp, userActivity: nil))
and then handling the automatically generated NSUserActivity in the SceneDelegate with
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity)
when the app is already running and checking connectionOptions.userActivities in willConnectToScene for when the app is just launched.
I will be filing a technical support incident and see what happens.
Just a guess, for what it's worth.
Maybe there are some import that changed and you may have to explicitly add some import declaration (can't tell which)?
Thanks for replying Claude. After looking into it, this seems to be an internal UIKit change as I can use the UIPasteboard API normally, it just won't connect to the system clipboard.
Hello Shahsaood,
This forum is intended for developers to discuss creating software for Apple platforms, so questions unrelated to development would be a better fit for
As for the glitch, you should contact the developer directly and see what they recommend.
Still occurs in the first iOS 15 beta.
I would appreciate it if everyone affected by this issue could file a feedback 🙂
No changes in the second iOS 15 beta.
I understand you are not dealing with static sized cells, but for anyone else who stumbles upon this...
This may sound obvious, but in my experience the jumping only occurs when a cell size changes during a layout reset. So instead of using .estimated, I used .absolute with the same value (it was a static sized cell) and the jumping stopped.
Met with App Review today, the spirit of the rule is that if you have an account creation feature, you need to have a matching deletion feature. Account deletion does not necessarily need to be instant, but the timeline and what happens with the customer's data must be clear. In any case, the deletion needs to begin in the app (IMO this prevents linking to Safari or Mail since that does not actually start the process, just navigates to where you can start).
Having a similar issue with Xcode 14 release from the App Store. It shows something about watch metadata, then stops after failing to prepare the phone (says the OS version is not compatible).
Also seeing this error with Xcode 15 and iOS 17 simulator.