




ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage (UIWeb) - Xcode
I have seen that there are several questions referring to the same problem. Basically the same thing happens to me I have updated my libraries at project level in xcode with pod update for all my libraries I use the search engine (cmd + shift + f) to find if UIWebView is used but I can't find any results. Also at console level I use the following command grep -r "UIWebView". But I only get this in the result. Binary file ./TrustDefenderMobile.framework/Versions/A/TrustDefenderMobile matches Binary file ./TrustDefenderMobile.framework/Versions/Current/TrustDefenderMobile matches Binary file ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/TrustDefender matches Binary file ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Versions/A/TrustDefender matches ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Versions/A/Headers/TrustDefender.h:#define THMUseUIWebView								 THM_NAME_PASTE(THM_PREFIX_NAME, THMUseUIWebView) ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Versions/A/Headers/TrustDefender.h:EXTERN NSString *const THMUseUIWebView; Binary file ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Versions/Current/TrustDefender matches ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/TrustDefender.h:#define THMUseUIWebView								 THM_NAME_PASTE(THM_PREFIX_NAME, THMUseUIWebView) ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Versions/Current/Headers/TrustDefender.h:EXTERN NSString *const THMUseUIWebView; ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Headers/TrustDefender.h:#define THMUseUIWebView								 THM_NAME_PASTE(THM_PREFIX_NAME, THMUseUIWebView) ./Library/TrustDefender.framework/Headers/TrustDefender.h:EXTERN NSString *const THMUseUIWebView; Binary file ./PardosChicken.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/macbook.xcuserdatad/UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate matches Well the truth is I do not understand. I am launching a new application and I have updated my project to WKWebView but the horror message from apple keeps coming. If you could give me a solution it would be excellent, I have been days with this problem without being able to send my app to the store.
Jun ’20