




Xcode Source Editor Extensions & Sandbox
Hi, I'm working on an Xcode Source Editor Extension. Currently, I have App Sandbox enabled and everything works as expected. I have some features I'd like to add that would require me to disable the App Sandbox and release the extension and containing app outside of the App Store. However, whenever I remove the App Sandbox capability from my project and re-run the extension, I can no longer see my extension appear in the Editor menu - it's just gone. My question is - are Xcode Source Editor Extensions only limited to sandboxed environments or can they operate out of the sandbox? If so, how come I don't see it in Xcode 15?
Sep ’23
Xcode 13 Beta: CFBundleExecutable Error on Upload
I'm working on a multi-platform iOS and Mac app. When I try and Archive and Distribute to the App Store I run into this issue: ERROR ITMS-90259: "Bad Bundle Executable. You must include a valid CFBundleExecutable key in your bundle's information property list file." I've verified that the Info.plist for the Mac target has a CFBundleExecutable So, far I've: Tried Xcode 12 & 13 Tried using App Transporter Used Xcode 13 RC and let that auto-generate the Info.plist Recreated the entire project in Xcode 13 I've tried everything I could find online - there's not much - and I can't get the upload to succeed. However, I was able to replicate the issue with an entirely empty project. No dependencies, no code, nothing. The project archives successfully, but the upload fails. Any help would be appreciated. I've spent two days on this already. An example project that fails:
Sep ’21
AppleGlot (Glossary) Usage / Terms of Service (ToS) Question
I've been working on an iOS localization-based side project and I stumbled upon AppleGlot. I saw a comment on a forum that said "It's free, and as long as you don't copy and distribute the glossaries from the site you're covered by their ToS " I took this to mean I can't host the AppleGlot DMGs myself (on my own site, for example), but am I free to use the contained translations in whatever way I want / potentially share with other developers? Or are those off-limits too? I've been unable to find a link to the ToS specifically for AppleGlot and was wondering if anyone here knew the limitations.
Sep ’20
Is it possible to create UI tests for an iMessage Sticker Pack?
Weird question, I know. I have a designer that is continuously designing graphics and depositing it in a shared folder. I want to write a script that will automatically copy the graphics over to the Xcode project's .xcassets, use fastlane to generate the screenshots (the other metadata can be read from a static file), and release the update to the App Store. However, I can't figure out how to write UI tests for a sticker pack and therefore I can't take a screenshot. Is this even possible? If not, how else can I programmatically generate screenshots for my stickers?
Jul ’20